Metka Kordigel
Branje ali branje
Reading or Reading
Slovenski sinopsis
English synopsis
English summary

Slovenski sinopsis
Avtorica na začetku navede nekaj definicij branja in skuša ob tem opredeliti tudi pojem bralca. S tem pa je tesno povezano tudi branje v funkciji. Ko ločuje različne vrste branja --- od pragmatičnega do literarno-estetskega --- ugotavlja, da velja branje, ki ni literarno, le za tretjerazredno početje, da gre torej za zanemarjanje informacijskega in strokovnega branja, za kar pa učencev nihče ne usposablja. Ob tem opozarja na prehiter ritem opismenjevanja in osvajanja bralne tehnike, ki sta za mnoge otroke tudi neobvladljiva in zato neosvojljiva, ter na pasti integriranega pouka, kjer je branje podrejeno pragmatičnim ciljem drugih poučevanih predmetov. Opozarja tudi na to, da je informacijsko branje tesno povezano s strokovnim branjem in iskanjem informacij.
English synopsis
The author at the beginning presents a few definitions of reading and at the same time tries to define the notion of the reader, with which is closely related reading in function. When distinguishing between various kinds of reading --- from the pragmatic to the literary-aesthetic --- the author maintains that non-literary reading cannot be but a third-class activity. In this case we are therefore dealing with the neglect of informatory and professional reading for which the students are not being prepared. She further points to the too fast rhythm of becoming literate and acquiring reading techniques, which are for many children beyond grasp, and to the pitfalls of integrated teaching in which reading is subordinated to the pragmatic aims of other subjects taught. She also draws attention to the fact that informatory reading is closely related with professional reading and search for information.
English summary
Everyone of us reads sometimes, first in order to get informed, second to learn something, and third because we like to read, because we like literature, briefly, to enjoy.
That is why it is not opportune to talk about reading itself (since such a label is not exact enough), but rather about reading in function --- thus about pragmatic and literary-aesthetic reading.
These represent two diametrally-contrasted reading practices, for the pragmatic one shows reading competence in the speed and versatility in the search for information, the separation of the thing searched for from the context and placing it in the personal thought scheme. This technique has the primary objective in reading rationally with respect to what and how much we want to learn. On the other hand, literature cannot be read slowly enough. We read, because we like to read, and our reading shall be all the more rewarding, the more aesthetic, ethical and cognitive dimensions we are able to perceive. There is, to be sure, no superabundance in literature, for all the poet's expressions uniquely and in a single meaning describe a certain emotion, thought, idea, apparition, vision.