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Slovenska književnost
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Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Danuša Škapin

Dramatika Milana Jesiha
The Dramas of Milan Jesih

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Jesihovi dramatiki, predvsem trem delom Grenki sadeži pravice, Brucka ali obdobje prilagajanja in En sam dotik, je posvečena razprava, ki opozarja na posebnosti in vlogo jezika v njegovih dramah, saj je ta večplasten in z njim avtor označi svoje dramske osebe, spremenjen jezik pa vpliva tudi na spremembe dramskega dejanja in dramskih karakterjev, pri čemer se dramski liki prilagajajo jezikovnim situacijam. Menjavanje stilov in zvrsti vpliva na dinamiko dramskega dogajanja, večpomenskost pa na stilizacijo in barvitost njegovega pesniškega jezika.


 - English synopsis

The study deals with Jesih's dramas, especially with The Bitter Fruits of Justice, Freshwoman or the Period of Adjustment and A Single Touch. It researches the peculiarities and the role of language in his dramas, for, with its multi-layered structure the author depicts the dramatis personae; also, the modified language causes changes in the dramatic action and characters with their ability to adapt to new linguistic situations. The changes of style and genre influence the dynamic of the dramatic plot, while the ambiguity conditions the stilization and colourful nature of Jesih's poetic language.


 - English summary

The article discusses all the staged plays written by Milan Jesih, with special emphasis on the three plays (The Bitter Fruits of Justice, Freshwoman or the Period of Adjustment and A Single Touch), which are important for the description of the constant and special characteristics of Jesih's dramatic works. Jesih's plays are characterized by a special language, which creates a dynamic with the changes of genre and style, as well as an intriguing complex ambiguity with the unusual usage of words. There are literary references constantly to be found in Jesih's plays, especially stilization. Humour with which Jesih tries to go beyond the cruelty of everyday life is likewise significant.

These special characteristics of Jesih's plays show a development in his playwriting, which ranges from the initial luddist texts in which the author freely combined different fragments, to the texts in which the beginning of a fabula and constant dramatic characters appear, and finally to the postmodernist texts that also reveal the elements of traditional playwriting.


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