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Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Zlata Šundalić

O aktualizacijah pravljice v umetni književnosti
About the Actualization of the Fairy-tale in Artificial Literature

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Avtorica najprej opredeli pojem bajke oz. pravljice in ob tem ugotovi, da Slovenci nimamo klasične zbirke pravljic kot drugi narodi. Svojo pozornost osredotoči ob pravljici S kačo se je oženil in ugotovi, da je sukcesivnost osnovni kompozicijski princip te pravljice, v kateri pa odkriva še druge pravljične elemente --- pravljični optimizem, zmago dobrega nad močmi zla itd.

Drugi del razprave je posvečen Cankarjevemu romanu oz. ljubezenski pravljici, kot je delo Milan in Milena označil avtor sam, v kateri je na tem svetu možen le pesimizem, medtem ko je optimizem stvar nadzemskega, ljudje so prej živali in zveri kot kaj dugega, namesto življenja pa slavi smrt. Tako je naivno čudežnost, ki konstituira pravljični svet, avtor pripisal onstranstvu ter zavrgel možnost uresničenja le-te v zemeljskem življenju, s tem pa uresničil tudi inverzijo arhetipskih motivov.


 - English synopsis

The author at first describes the notion of the myth or fairy-tale and points to the fact that Slovenes do not have the classic collection of fairy-tales as other nations. Her attention is focused on the fairy-tale S kačo se je oženil and she discovers that successiveness represents the main compositional principle of this fairy-tale in which she unveils further fairy-tale elements --- optimism, the victory of the good over the powers of evil, etc.

The second part of the study is dedicated to Cankar's novel/love fairy-tale, as the author himself describes his work Milan in Milena, in which in this world only pessimism is possible, while optimism is a matter of the supernatural, people are animals and beasts first and people second, it celebrates death instead of life. The author thus ascribed the naive miraculousness which constitutes the fairy-tale world to the after world and consequently rejected the possibility of its realization in this world, whereby he also put into effect the inversion of archetypal motives.


 - English summary

In answering the question of the fairy-tale actualization in artificial literature it was necessary to establish which elements constitute the fairy-tale as the fairy-tale in the oral literature. The researched material was the text from Slovene oral tradition S kačo se je oženil. The analysis of this text resulted in the following conclusions: individual sujet units as well as the realized functions confirm the successive nature as a basic compositional principle of the text that is at the same time one of the basic laws of the fairy-tale world; the text is permeated with the fairy-tale optimism in terms of the victory of the good over the evil; the spiritual horizon of the fairy-tale is constituted by a naive miraculousness.

In Ivan Cankar's text Milan in Milena the cited elements appear as inversion. This inversion is even more evident because of the substitution on the meta level, for the writer subtitled it as Ljubezenska pravljica and thus produced a fairy-tale in which we notice the inversion of its archetypal motives: instead of successiveness --- parallelism; instead of optimism --- pessimism; instead of metamorphosis as a regression to human characteristics --- a metamorphosis as the abandoning of the human; instead of the affirmation of life --- the affirmation of death; instead of innocence --- the hero's moral dipravity, etc.

The central attention is on the mode of the existence of the simple fairy-tale form in the oral tradition and artificial literature. While the fairy-tale lives in the original context (oral literature) in the way and according to the rules that are characteristic of this simple form, it lives in the non-original context (artificial/Cankar's literature) following the rules characteristic of the so-called fairy-tales of fate.


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