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Slovenska književnost
Uredništvo <-> bralci

Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Simona Kranjc

Otroški govor
The Speech of Children

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Teorije o sporočilnih zmožnostih majhnega otroka in o razvoju govora (vedenjska, biološka, generativno-transformacijska, kognitivna) se med seboj zelo razlikujejo, a obenem tudi dopolnjujejo. Zato skuša avtorica odkriti možne razlike med jezikovnim znanjem in drugimi vrstami znanja pri majhnem otroku, potem pa svojo pozornost osredotoči na posamezne faze v razvoju govora, ki jih v grobem deli predvsem na dve - predlingvistično in lingvistično.


 - English synopsis

Theories about the communicative abbilities of a small child and about the speech development (behavioural, biological, generative-transformational, cognitive) are very different from each other, but nevertheless also complementary. That is why the author tries to discover the possible differences between the knowledge of language and other kinds of knowledge with a small child and then focuses its attention on the individual phases in the speech development, which she roughly divides primarily into two: a pre-linguistic and linguistic one.


 - English summary

The article discusses the theories about the speech development and the individual phases of speech development with children. The representatives of the behavioural theory believe that speech belongs among the motory reactions, while the exponents of the biological (nativist) theory maintain that speech structures are inborn, and the representatives of the generative-transformational theory believe that a child is born with certain predispositions for developing a linguistic ability that is activated by the environment. The cognitive theory builds on the assumption that speech development is based on the development of thinking. The author further describes the phases of speech development. As a framework for the research she chose the distinction of speech development into two periods: (a) pre-linguistic (until approximately one year ago) and (b) a linguistic one.


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