Kodni sistem
Slovenska književnost
Uredništvo <-> bralci

Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Katja Podbevšek

Govorna organiziranost umetnostnega besedila
Speech Organization of an Artistic Text

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Primerjava zvočne podobe dveh pesmi in njune interpretacije naj bi potrdila domnevo, da so v vsakem zapisanem besedilu že implicitno izraženi tudi osnovni zvočni znaki. Vendar pa je govorna uresničitev besedila ustvarjena vedno na novo, pri čemer mora govorec uskladiti zvočno sporočilo z jezikovnim, torej tudi različne ravnine sporočila --- racionalno in emocionalno --- med seboj. V tem pa se verjetno skriva interpretativni prostor, ki govorcu omogoča zvočno svobodo, enkratno, neponovljivo in izmikajočo se znanstveni analizi.


 - English synopsis

The comparison of the sound image of the two poems and their interpretations should confirm the supposition that in any written text the basic sound signs are already expressed. Nevertheless, the speech realization of the text is created always anew, for the speaker must combine the sound message with the linguistic one therefore also the various levels of a message -- the rational and the emotional one. In this there is probably the interpretative space, which enables sound freedom to the speaker, unique and exclusive to scientific analysis.


 - English summary

The comparison of nine speech interpretations of the two poems unveiled the fact that in the linguistic organization of the written text its speech structure can also be discerned. Visual signs for the speech realization of the text are: punctuation marks, the length of the lines of verse, run-on lines, meter and rhythm, phonetics laws, verbal expression in the first person, and partly also the stylistically-coloured texts. These visual signs have their speech counterparts, which are linked with the phonetic determinants of the sentence and speech laws in general. The speaker must take both into consideration when combining the speech (affective) message with the linguistic (rational) message. An artistic text for its connotative nature offers a multi-meaning linguistic reading and that is why also more (sound) variants of different affective intensity. In the harmonious choice of individual meanings and their phonetic forms, and in the selection of the different intensity of the affective message, there is place for the speaker's interpretative freedom.


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