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Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Irena Androjna

Pripovedni položaji v kratkih pripovednih Andreja Blatnika
Narrative Situations in the Short Fiction by Andrej Blatnik

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Za Blatnikove pripovedi je značilno prepletanje različnih pripovednih položajev (prvoosebnega, avktorialnega in osebnega), prepletanje zunanja perspektive z notranjimi monologi, kar omogoča prehode med svetovi pripovedovalca in njegovih literarnih oseb. Ob tem se razkrije razlika med globinsko in površinsko strukturo, Blatnik pa se od eksperimenta vrača h klasičnim postopkom in na dramatizaciji zasnovanim pripovedim.


 - English synopsis

Blatnik's narratives are characterized by the intertwining of various narrative situations (first person, auctorial and personal narrative), the combination of the external perspective with internal monologues, what enables transitions between the worlds of the narrator and his literary figures. In this process the difference between the deep and surface structure is being revealed, while Blatnik returns from experimental classical procedures and the dramatization of the conceived narratives.


 - English summary

In the short fiction written by Andrej Blatnik unconventional procedures and transitions between various speech situations, which we described as meta-fictional (the problematization of fictionality), appear especially in Bouquets, less in Biographies, whereas only one of his six ?new? stories in Skin-changing can be labelled as meta-fictional. This leads us to believe that Blatnik from experimental and trendy (meta-fiction) narratives (including also the novel Torches and Tears) returns to classical procedures and replaces the experimental interest with stylistic features, such as the dramatization of the narrative with the help of the present tense and dialogue.


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