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Slovenska književnost
Uredništvo <-> bralci

Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Miha Javornik

Rojevanje pomena v poeziji Anne Ahmatove
(na zgledu pesniške zbirke Bela jata)

The Birth of Meaning in the Poetry of Anna Ahmatova
(on the Example of the Verse Collection a White Flight)

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Avtor analizira pesmi odlične ruske pesnice Anne Ahmatove iz zbirke Bela jata in se ustavi ob motivni mreži njenih pesmi in semantičnem polju, ki ga ustvarjajo povezave med realnim in metaforičnim, med konkretnim in prenesenim pomenom njenih besed (motivov) ter med njihovimi asociativnimi povezavami in ki že nakazujejo prozaizacijo njene poezije.


 - English synopsis

The author analyzes the poems of the excellent Russian poet Anna Ahmatova from her collection A White Flight and discusses in more detail the network of motives in her poems and the semantic field, which is created by the links between the real and the metaphoric, between the concrete and the methaphorical content of her words (motives), and between their associative connections, which already point to the prosaisation of her poetry.


 - English summary

In the study of the collection of verse A White Flight by Anna Ahamtova is presented a subtly structured network of relationships between individual (leit) motives, on the basis of which the story of the 'action' in the poetic text is being formed. The analyses of the functions of certain motives shows that the dominant features in the earlier creativity of Ahmatova are not only constructive principles characteristic of poetry. The poetic text in the early period of the artistic creativity of Ahmatova in structured according to the typical principles of prose. The question of parameters emerges, which represent a sufficient argument to be able to speak about the prosaisation of poetry or which are a sufficient proof to count a poetic text among prose works.


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