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Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Marjeta Lubej-Longyka

Prvine znanstvene fantastike v noveli Jona Branka Gradišnika
Elements of Science-fiction in the Novelette Jona by Branko Gradišnik

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

V novelo Jona so vpleteni elementi znanstvene fantastike (potovanje skozi čas, vojna zvezd, reinkarnacija glavnega junaka itd.), ki nam ob pozornejšem branju in dešifriranju posameznih informacij (npr. datuma Jonovega rojstva) ter upoštevanju širšega konteksta odpirajo nove možnosti branja in razumevanja tega teksta.


 - English synopsis

In the novel Jona are included the elements of science-fiction (travel through time, star wars, the reincarnation of the main hero, etc), which during an attentive reading and the deciphering of individual pieces of information (e.g. the date of Jona's birth) and by taking into consideration a broader context open up new possibilities of reading and understanding this text.


 - English summary

Branko Gradišnik writes artistic literature and introduces in it the elements of trivial genres. The article answers the question in what way he incorporated the elements of science fiction into the novelette Jona and what effects he achieved by them.


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