Kodni sistem
Slovenska književnost
Uredništvo <-> bralci

Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Marko Juvan

Iz 80. v 90. leta: slovenska literatura, postmodernizem, postkomunizem in nacionalna država
From the 80s into the 90s: Slovene Literature, Postmodernism, Postcommunism and the National State

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Družbene spremembe, ki so na začetku 90. let dosegle svoj vrhunec z ustanovitvijo samostojne države, so odločilno vplivale tudi na položaj in vlogo literature ter preoblikovale pesniške pisave več rodov ustvarjalcev. Pri tem se je izoblikovala cela vrsta različnih poetik, literarno inovacijo je zamenjalo navezovanje na literarnoumetnostno tradicijo, literarni kanon pa se je dopolnil in obogatil tudi z deli avtorjev, ki so bili prepovedani ali pozabljeni. Obenem pa je slovenska književnost začela v srednji Evropi iskati svoj širši resonančni prostor.


 - English synopsis

In Slovenia, social changes culminating in the foundation of an independent national state in the early 90s have profoundly influenced the role and position of litarature and transformed the poetic handwriting of several generations of writers. A product of this development has been the development of a number of different poetics; literary innovation has been replaced by seeking continuity with literary tradition, and the literary canon has been enriched with works of authors previously prohibited or forgotten. At the same time, Slovene literature has begun to seek a wider resonance space in Central Europe.


 - English summary

The Slovene literature of the 80s and the 90s is marked by postmodernism, not as the dominant ideo-artistic code, but rather as a field allowing participation of plural poetics. Consequently, the list of features of postmodernism in Slovenia can only be open and dynamic: 1. the pluralism of styles, poetics and views is paradoxically regarded as a new state of affairs, which, however, no longer believes in a progressive surpassing of the past; 2. the aesthetic maxim of being innovative is replaced by seeking continuity with the literary tradition and popular culture, but following the principles of double coding; 3. a tendency towards autonomy of literature and of textual worlds, abandoning or relativizing ideologized references; 4. ?Verwindung? of metaphysics, deconstruction of binary dichotomies and masternarratives; 5. personalization and individuation of perspective, renewal of emotivity, intuitiveness and personal mythologies. Due to the social processes of establishing national independence, democratization and capitalization, the status of the literary system in Slovenia undergoes profound changes: 1. literature and literary authors lose the status of an institution establishing and confirming the national movement, and the role of literature as a reservation of indirect thought and opinion liberation weakens; 2. literature loses its prestigious status among arts; 3. the publishing system becomes increasingly commercialized, decentralized, with a resulting secularization of the writer's image; 4. with the Yugoslav framework disintegrating, Slovene literature seeks a wider resonance space in Central Europe: 5. views of literature in the past change (e. g. reaffirmation of Catholicism); and the literary canon is expanded to include authors who were prohibited, ignored or forgotten in the communist period.


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