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Marjan Štrancar

Ekspresivnost v Zidarjevem Svetem Pavlu in njena didaktična uporabnost
Expressivity in Pavle Zidar's ?sveti Pavel? (St. Paul) and Possibilities for its Didactic Exploitation

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Ekspresivnost, ki je ena temeljnih estetskih kvalitet Zidarjevega pripovedovanja, izrazito čustveno zaznamuje besedilo. S številnimi glasovnimi, besednimi pa tudi stavčnimi figurami Zidar preoblikuje človeka in svet okoli njega, obenem pa se prav iz ubeseditvenih načinov izlušči avtorjevo sporočilno hotenje. Pri tem nam šele natančna analiza teksta razkrije, kakšno je součinkovanje sestavin umetnine, reinterpretacija besedila pa nas pripelje tudi v ugotavljanje avtorjevih trditev in domnev.


 - English synopsis

Expressivity, one of the fundamental and most exquisite aesthetic qualities of Zidar's narration, produces profound emotive colouring of the text. His abundant use of figures of speech on the sound, word and sentence levels reshapes man and the world around him, while at the same time the ways of linguistic realization gradually reveal the author's ultimate message. A detailed analysis of the text is needed to reveal the synergetic effects of Zidar's masterpiece, and a reinterpretation of the text helps us to identify his claims and suppositions.


 - English summary

A stylistic analysis of Pavle Zidar's first novel, ?St. Paul? (?Sveti Peter?), presented at the Fifth Days of Slovene Studies, confirms the well-known thesis that this is not only one of the best and most exciting Zidar's and Slovene romanesque works of literature, but also an exceptionally powerful stylistic masterpiece, a genuine treasury of highly diversified figures of speech. This makes it ideal for didactic exploitation. The author presents the world and human distress in it in an extremely emotive way, thus intensifying the reader's subjective experiencing of the novel. Expressivity proves to be Zidar's fundamental creative attitude and ?St. Paul?'s primary aesthetic quality. The otherwise short novel contains over a thousand stylized sections, so that a third of the entire text bears strong stylistic marking. Expressive elements are frequently drastic in the manner of folk expressivity, which is in full accord with the view of the 'hunt' described in the novel. It enriches all layers of the majestic aesthetic construction --- of the horrible synecdoche of our tragic world. Zidar used almost all known metaphorical codes, and expanded his 'metaphorical dictionary' by adding new, fresh codes, thus creating figures of speech which remain supreme examples of epic stylization. He goes even a further, usually clustering together several different figures of speech, thus adding intensity both to the semantic power of the text and to the reader's experiencing it. A skillful teacher can use this feature to inconspicuously introduce into the classroom analysis of fine stylistic elements in fiction, an analysis unfortunately not sufficiently present in our classroom practice. Young searching minds are intrigued not only by the subject-matter, but also by the author's expressive passion, so we should not deprive them of this reading experience. While searching for Zidar's stylemes and stylisms they will become aware of all the components and specifics of his novel, and at the same time, as they will be forced to make frequent stops, also of those aesthetic and human dimensions of the world beneath St. Paul's bell tower they would otherwise overlook. The fast racing eyes will slow down and there will be sufficient time to ponder over and subjectively experience the contents of the text, whereas analysis itself, with the use of language and literary theory reference books, will help them expand such perspectives and skills. The conclusion is that Zidar's stylisation is the most effective contributor to the beauty of ?St. Paul?.


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