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Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Tomaž Sajovic

Stritarjevo historistično besedno oblikovanje in moderna
Stritar's Historicist Text and the Modern Movement

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Osnovna pozornost v razpravi je namenjena Stritarjevemu izrazito historističnemu jezikovnemu oblikovanju v Zorinu (prva izdaja 1870, druga 1887) --- seveda pri tem ne gre za izvorni klasicizem, ampak za vzorovanje, zlasti pri Schillerju, kar je bilo v nemško govorečem prostoru v 19. stoletju zelo razširjeno ---, ki je preoblikovano odmevalo tudi pri ustvarjalcih naše moderne (zgled je Župančičeva Duma). Razmišljanje je osredinjeno predvsem na jezikovne postopke, ki podrobneje osvetljujejo tezo.


 - English synopsis

The article focuses on Stritar's highly historicist language in his novel Zorin (first published in 1870, reprinted in 1887). Stritar's historicism is not original, but rather one modelled on earlier authors, especially on Schiller. This was a very widespread procedure in the German language territory in the 19th century, and echoed --- considerably transformed --- also among authors of the Slovene Modern movement (a prime example is Župančič's Duma. The main emphasis in the article is on Stritar's linguistic procedures, which help elucidate the main thesis.


 - English summary

The article belongs to the category of studies on language style development in Slovene literature of the 19th century and of the Modern period, for which it is an evident, yet complex conflict between historicist (rhetoric) poetics and natural poetics.

In the centre of the interest is Stritar's highly historicist language in his novel Zorin (first published in 1870, reprinted in 1887). Stritar's historicism was not original, but one modelled on earlier authors, especially on Schiller. This was a very widespread procedure in the German language territory in the 19th century, characterized by typical classicist textual (dispositional) patterns (especially a diaeretic argumentative form with an antithesis conclusion), abundant rhethoric ornamentation, periphrases, various secondary structures (e.g. diatheses), which all contribute to an overall effect of classicist elevated nonnatural expression.

The stylistic procedure (which in many ways resembles that of Gregorčič) found an echo, considerable transformed, among Slovene authors of the Slovene Modern movement. The study demonstrates the functional exploitation of certain elements of this approach in Župančič's Duma. This finding additionally supports the claim that a new, functional poetics of the Modern movement came into being gradually, making a creative use and transformation of various historicist elements and procedures. (Interestingly enough, parallels can be found in contemporary phenomena in arts, especially in architecture, both in Slovenia and elsewhere.)


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