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Slovenska književnost
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Jezik in slovstvo
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Tone Smolej

Prežihov Voranc in Émile Zola (Motivno-tematske vzporednice)
Prežihov Voranc and Émile Zola (Motif and Thematic Parallels)

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Prežihov Voranc je zagotovo poznal Zolajeve romane, zato v njegovem delu lahko odkrijemo celo vrsto tematskih vzporednic. Poznati pa je moral tudi Kreftov esej Književnost o vasi in kmetu, saj se je v skladu z njim priključil sočasnim opisovalcem kmetstva. Vendar pa moramo ob tem upoštevati tudi dejstvo, da se je sam istovetil s svojimi junaki in da je vedno opisoval okolje, iz katerega je sam izhajal in ki ga je dobro poznal.


 - English synopsis

Prežihov Voranc must have been familiar with Zola's novels, as his work contains a number of thematic parallels. He must have also been familiar with Bratko Kreft's essay Literature on the village and on the Peasant, since --- following its quidelines --- he joined the contemporary describers of the peasantry. At the same time, however, it should be appreciated that Voranc identified with his characters and that he always decried the environment from which he himself had come and which he knew well.


 - English summary

The article builds on the assumption that at the time of writing Požganica and Jamnica Prežihov Voranc was familiar with at least some novels by Émile Zola, in particular La Terre, La Débâcle and Germinal. The latter had been translated into Slovene already in 1933 and it is very likely that it influenced Voranc's descriptions of the collective subject in Požganica. There are several other motifs and themes in the work (the ritual murder of the village usurer, descriptions of mine workers) that could be regarded as reminiscences of Zola's Germinal. And in Jamnica Voranc closely imitated Fouan's central motif from La Terre, following the guidelines of Bratko Kreft's programmatic essay Literature on the Village and on the Peasant, and wanting to bring out explicitly a link between himself and Zola, to establish a dialogue and thus to join other contemporary describers of the peasantry.


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