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Slovenska književnost
Uredništvo <-> bralci

Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Andrej Skubic

Klasifikacija funkcijske zvrstnosti in pragmatična definicija funkcije
A Classification of Functional Text Types and a Pragmatic Definition of Function

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Prispevki jezikovne pragmatike k razumevanju rabe jezika mečejo novo luč tudi na strukturalistično teorijo funkcijskih zvrsti. Razprava skuša utemeljiti klasifikacijo sladnjih na pragmatični funkciji govora.


 - English synopsis

The contribution of pragmatics to the understanding of linguistic usage sheds new light also on the structuralist theory of functional varieties. The article attempts to base the latter on the pragmatic function of speech.


 - English summary

Typical of the definitions of functional genres as established in Slovene linguistics is that they do not derive from an established set of language function discriminating criteria, but rather proceed in the opposite direction: specific features of certain groups of text are examined, and on their basis existence of a connective factor, a common function, is deduced. Contrary to this approach, there are sources in linguistic pragmatics which offer a possibility to define functional text types on the basis of pragmatic functions performed by texts. On the basis --- with certain terminological changes --- the author endeavors to develop a definition of four functional text types. Within this framework, scientific discourse appears as the use of language in which the proposition is presented as an explanation of reality via linguistic means; its function is cognitive and the instance of its sense is a logical subject. Illocutionary-perlocutionary discourse instrumentalizes the proposition so as to perform illocutionary acts and achieve perlocutionary effects; its function is perlocutionary and the instance of its sense is a trustworthy subject. Conventionally performative or official discourse is the use of language which --- with an appropriate implementation of prescribed patterns realizes the proposition, has the power to change a state of affairs or to perform a certain act; its function is performative and the instance of its sense is an authorized subject. In artistic discourse the truth value of propositions is irrelevant, and its purpose is to express --- using complex procedures of organizing fictional discursive space --- ?an intuitive form of things?; contrary to scientific discourse, which makes external entities abstract (prepares them for internalization), artistic discourse makes inner experience of the world concrete (prepares it for externalization); the instance of the sense of such a text is an artistic subject.


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