Kodni sistem
Slovenska književnost
Uredništvo <-> bralci

Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Olga Kunst Gnamuš

Razmerje med spolom kot potezo reference in spolom kot slovnično kategorijo
Relationship Between Sex as a Feature of Reference and Gender as a Category of Grammar

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Razmerja med slovnično kategorijo spola, ki je odvisen od oblikoslovnih in skladenjskih pravil slovenskega jezika, in naravnim spolom kot potezo reference so pravzaprav odvisna od razmerij med slovničimi pravili in načeli prikazovanja ali prezentacije pri čemer se slovnična pravila pogosto ne ujemajo s prikazovanjem naravnega spola in tega praviloma nevtralizirajo ter izrazijo z oblikami, ki so značilne za besede moškega spola.


 - English synopsis

The relationships between grammatical gender, which depends on the morphological and syntactic rules of the Slovene grammar, and sex as a feature of reference, actually depend on the relationships between grammatical rules and principles of presentation, with grammatical rules frequently not according with presentation of sex, usually neutralizing it by using forms characteristic of masculine gender.


 - English summary

The relationship between the category of ?gender? as a feature of the morpho-syntactic rules of the Slovene language and extralinguistic ?sex? as a feature of reference are explored. The gramatical category of ?gender? encodes cotextual and cuntextual references, using different cognitive principles. The article discusses the relationships between grammatical rules and presentation principles. In grammatical gender, which is an inherent feature of nominal words, agreement, predicating and binding rules (i.e. syntactic rules) clash with rules of contextual referring.


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