Kodni sistem
Slovenska književnost
Uredništvo <-> bralci

Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Specializiranost obrazil za izpeljanke s pomenom vršilca dejanja, nosilca lastnosti ali stanja in opravkarja
Specialisation of Deverbal Noun Suffixes Indicating Agent, Inanimate Attribuand and Experiencer

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Kljub opazni večpomenskosti nekaterih besedotvornih morfemov je mogoče že s primerjavo prvih treh pomenskih skupin samostalniških izpeljank, označujočih vršilca dejanja, nosilca stanja in opravkarja, dokazati, da v razvrstitvi obrazil vendarle veljajo določene zakonitosti, saj je za vsako izmed skupin mogoče ugotoviti specifična najrodovitnejša priponska obrazila.


 - English synopsis

A comparison of the three largest semantic groups of deverbal nouns denoting Agents, Inanimate Attribuands and Experiencers shows that, although some of the derivational morphemes are clearly polysemantic, their distribution is rule-governed: for each of the groups the most productive suffixes can be identified.


 - English summary

In the lexical material of the Dictionary of the Standard Literary Slovene Language, deverbal nominal derivatives were categorized by meaning and suffix types. The analysis showed that certain suffixes (e.g., -ec, -ik, -ar, -ež) occur in all three semantic categories under observation, but that each of them is typical of one group of derivatives, i.e. that there is certain regularity in the distribution of these suffixes. The same is true of the feminine forms of such derivatives: they, too, are characterized by a specialized distribution of suffixes (e.g., -a, -ica, -inja, -ka).


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