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Slovenska književnost
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Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Metka Kordigel

O oblikovanju kurikula namesto učnega načrta za šolsko srečevanje s književnostjo    ali:    Problem literarnega scientizma
The Forming of Curriculum in Place of Teaching Programme for an Encounter with Literature in Schools

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Avtorica v svojem prispevku identificira generalne cilje splošnega šolskega kurikuluma, ki zadevajo tudi pouk književnosti, ter definira vzgojne, funkcionalne in izobraževalne cilje, ki izhajajo iz same književnosti. Edino odprt kurikulum lahko zagotavlja realizacijo smotrov pouka književnosti.


 - English synopsis

The author in her article identifies the general aims of the school curriculum, which also pertain to literature teaching, and defines edicational and functional objectives emanating from literature itself. Only an open curriculum can enable the realization of aims in literature teaching.


 - English summary

After having identified those general aims of the school curriculum for which we maintain that also relate to literature teaching and after having postulated those educational and functional aims that are derived from literature itself, we can define within the framework Project for the modernization of the teaching of Slovene such a form of the curriculum, which would be the most suitable one in order to achieve all the three groups of the described aims.

With a view to the defined characteristics of the open and closed curriculum, and especially with regard as to how narrowly operative and how one-track (therefore those that can be checked) must be aims of the closed curriculum, the sole logical decision has to be the open curriculum, one that ensures conditions for the realization not only of the educational but also functional aims in literature teaching.


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