Kodni sistem
Slovenska književnost
Uredništvo <-> bralci

Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Miha Mohor

Književnost v tretjem triletju osnovne šole
Literature in the Third Three-year Period of Elementary School

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Avtor predstavi teoretična izhodišča prenove pouka književnosti v tretjem triletju osnovne šole z razčlenitvijo ciljev, vsebin in metod dela. Prenovljeni pouk književnosti naj bi nudil otroku čim več možnosti za ustverjelno komunikacijo z leposlovjem, ki bi vzbujala v njem literarnoestetsko ugodje in ga trajno navezovala na knjigo. Za doseganje teh ciljev pa je najprimernejši odprti kurikulum, kjer učitelj in učenec ustvarjalno sooblikujeta cilje, vsebine in metode dela.


 - English synopsis

The author describes the theoretical tenets in the renovation of literature teaching in the third three-year period by analyzing the aims, content and methods of work. Redefined literature teaching ought to offer a child as many as possibilities as possible to enter into a creative communication with literature that would cause in him/her literary-aesthetic pleasure amd make him linked with the book for good. In order to achieve these goals an open curriculum is best suited, a curriculum where the teacher and pupil creatively co-form aims, content and methods of work.


 - English summary

In trying to reevaluate the situation, tasks, structure and aims of literature teaching in our elementary schools, we are confronted with an important decision, namely how to renovate it so as to offer a child as many possibilities as possible for a creative communication with literature, which would give him literary-theoretical pleasure and make a child linked to the book for good.

In the process of redefining theoretical tenets we should build on the positive experiences of our elementary school, on the findings of Slovene literary-didactic tradition and on the communication model in dealing with literature. In forming starting-points, principles and aims we should first bring a decision about the most acceptable form of the curriculum, from the viewpoint of literature teaching and the viewpoint of general curricular aims that are written down in the code pertaining to schools and other sources.

The basic elements of the didactic structure of literature teaching are its aims, content and methods, all of them being closely intertwined and interrelated. The article in the continuation therefore analyzes educational and functional aims of literature teaching in the third three-year period of elementary school, defines the basic concepts of teaching and the methods of work.

The focus of literature teaching and literary education should in elementary school be on a literary-aesthetic reading, where the activation of the reader's emotional experience and imaginative collaboration is central. Such a teaching of literature requires an open curriculum, which defines merely general aims and thereby corresponding teaching content, while the teacher and the pupil creatively co-form the aims, content and methods of work.


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