Kodni sistem
Slovenska književnost
Uredništvo <-> bralci

Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Viktor Sonjkin

Kettejev sonetizem
Kette's Sonnetism

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Podrobnejša analiza 62 Kettejevih sonetov, ki so nastali v letih od 1894 do 1898, naj bi razkrila, v kakšnem verzu so napisani, saj je pesnik rad eksperimentiral in je poleg jamba uporabljal tudi daktil in amfibrah, in kakšno je rimanje oz. kitična zgradba njegovih sonetov, ki je tudi zelo raznovrstna.


 - English synopsis

62 of Kette's sonnets written between 1894 and 1898 were analysed in detail to establish the poet's typical verse (Kette liked to experiment, using not only iambic, but also dactylic and amphibrachic meters), as well as the rhyme scheme and stanza structure of his sonnets, which are also both highly diversified.


 - English summary

Kette's sonnets brought into prominence the fundamental features of the Slovene syllabotonicity: the alternating rhythm of the five-foot iamb, the almost permanent stress on the last ictus, a weak caesura in the first half of the verse. Like other sonneteers of his time, Kette mostly used the five-foot iamb, but he also liked to experiment with three-foot metrical forms (the dactyl and the amphibrach). Kette's rhyme is exact, in sonnets prevailingly feminine, occasionally masculine and rarely dactylic. In terms of grammatical categories, his rhyme is mainly nominal. The rhyme schemes (stanza structure) of his sonnets are highly diversified. This may be regarded as a proof that in Kette's poetry this, otherwise typically Romance, form was already completely slovenized.


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