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Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Barbara Baloh

Položaj slovenščine pri italijanski narodnostni skupnosti v Slovenski Istri
The Status of the Slovene Language Among the Italian Ethnic Minority in Slovene Istria

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Raziskava, ki je bila opravljena med 1992 in 1993, je pokazala, da gre pri pripadnikih italijanske narodnostne skupnosti pravzaprav za posebnost, saj lahko govorimo poleg bilingvizma in diglosije tudi o triglosiji in trilingvizmu, ko govorci obvladajo tri knjižne jezike. Seveda pa je med njimi opazna različna stopnja obvladovanja jezika tudi glede na socialno zvrstnost --- in raziskave so pokazale tudi velike razlike, ki so opazne med pripadniki različnih starostnih skupin (generacij).


 - English synopsis

A study carried out in 1992 and 1993 revealed that the linguistic status of members of the Italian ethnic minority is quite particular: they are not only bilingual or diglottic, but also trilingual or triglottic, i.e. they are proficient in three standard languages. The level of proficiency of course differs depending on the social registers. The study also revealed considerable difference among age-groups (generations).


 - English summary

A query was carried out among members of the Italian ethnic minority in Slovene Istria to establish the linguistic situation in this group, its linguistic usage and the relationship between L 1 (Italian) and L 2 (Slovene).

The Italian ethnic minority is exposed to the influence of the majority environment, therefore it has to make permanent effort to preserve its mother tongue, Italian, but in certain communicative situations the use of Slovene is unavoidable.

The main factors underlying knowledge and use of language(s) is the family. A coexistence of the two languages in the family is possible, but the use of Italian normally prevails.

A second major factor determining the linguistic behaviour of ethnic Italians is the environment. Little children get familiar with both Italian and Slovene at play. Later, at least some social contacts require the use of Slovene, so knowledge of the Slovene language is indispensable.

The relationship between L 1 and L 2 is significantly determined by various institutions and organisations, both Italian and Slovene. Opportunities for the use of both languages are abundant, and the choice of the language largely depends on the speech act situation and the speaker's personal decision.

Most ethnic Italians find it easier to express themselves in Italian, but they introduce Slovene words into their Italian discourse, mostly because they cannot recall an appropriate Italian word. Similarly, they use Italian words when speaking Slovene if they cannot find a suitable Slovene expression. Their attitude to Slovene is positive and they recognize that they need to know Slovene, both written and spoken.

Their linguistic competence in Italian is limited to dialect and standard language, and their choice depends on the speech act situation.

Knowledge of the Italian language can be maintained through activities of Italian institutions (ethnic Italians believe they would need more Italian institutions), more intensive contacts with Italy, higher quality of teaching Italian in Italian language schools in Istria, better knowledge of Italian among the majority population, various cultural and other events in Italian, and above all through a stronger feeling of national identity and bilateral respect for bilingualism.

The more detailed analysis of individual answer sheets showed that each individual member of the Italian ethnic minority has an idiosyncratic, original combination of linguistic practice: in each individual, this practice is slightly different, yet similar enough for the postulation of collective bilingualism.

The results of the study can lead to further research of language contact on the bilingual territory of Slovene Istria. Language contact could be further explored in terms of the users' social status, educational level, mixed marriages... Speech of bilingual persons could be tape-recorded and subsequently analysed.


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