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Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Alojzija Zupan

Klečeve erotične pesmi
Kleč's Erotic Poems

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Poseben mik Klečevih navidezno impresionističnih pesmi, s katerimi se je na začetku približal bralcu s preprostim izrazom in nezahtevno pesemsko zgodbo ter drugačno, novo predstavo lirske objektivnosti, je erotična tematika.


 - English synopsis

A special appeal of apparently impressionist poems of Kleč's collections in which he established contact with the reader through simple language, uncomplicated structure and a new, different presentation of lyrical objectivity, is in their erotic themes.


 - English summary

Kleč's poems, communicative and linguistically straight-forward, are a poetic expression of man's erotic relation to the world. Relaxing physical relationships are depicted by carefully selected aesthetic landscapes in which people, animals and plants live in agreeable harmony. The most beautiful erotic poems are those in which lovers are drawn together in a sublime, allusive and pastoral way, in a harmonious nature.

In the collection of poems entitled Kresnice (Fireflies, 1978), a very idyllic coniferous landscape imperceptibly turns into attributes of village tranquillity, although this harmony is haunted also by incomprehensible and mysterious attractive powers. The naked body becomes the supreme value, a symbol of joie-de-vivre and openness to be admired in ?the ancient way? as an aesthetic object and source of indulgence. Kleč overpowers the text with sensuality and keeps entering it all the time. Auto-reflection further intensifies in Nad dečki sije sonce (The sun is shining above boys, 1979) and becomes the central theme in Tavla (1981). In the latter, Kleč focuses on the sensuous capacity of the word, but he still links it to rudimentary traces of erotic motifs and themes. As a result of his constant awareness that poetics of happiness has already been completely used up in his poetry, the last collection discussed in the article, Radio (The Radio, 1991), speaks only about stark, plain and banal reality. The earlier sensual pantheism is abolished, as well as the innovativeness and differentness of his earlier erotic poems.


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