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Slovenska književnost
Uredništvo <-> bralci

Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Metka Kordigel

O nekaterih (že preizkušenih) literarnodidaktičnih konceptih ali česa se lahko naučimo iz tujih izkušenj pri poučevanju književnosti
On Some (Already Tested) Literary Didactic Concepts or What We Can Learn From Foreign Experience in Teaching Literature

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Različni nemški literarnodidaktični sistemi, ki so se uveljavili v času po drugi svetovni vojni, so razkrili številne prednosti in tudi slabosti pri pouku literature, ki ne sme imeti samo didaktične ali vzgojne funkcije, marveč naj bi učenca postopoma pripravil za literarnoestetsko doživetje in mu obenem omogočil tudi ustvarjalno komunikacijo z besedilom.


 - English synopsis

Various German systems of literary didactics introduced since World War II have revealed a number of both strong and weak points in the teaching of literature, which cannot have only a didactic or educational function, but should gradually enable the pupil to experience a literary work in its aesthetic dimensions and to establish a creative communication with the text.


 - English summary

Analysis of the place and role of the teaching of literature in some European educational systems reveals that from a previous relatively central position the teaching of literature has been increasingly pushed into the periphery of new curricular designs. Reasons for this development are discussed, followed by a detailed scrutiny of five sistems of literary didactics that have been used in Germany since World War II. The analysis of their advantages and drawbacks could help Slovene curriculum designers in the current revision of the position of the Slovene language and literature in our schools and in redifining the aims and structure of the curriculum. The could help them to avoid the extremes in which West-European school systems have got trapped and to find the right balance of (literary-)educational and literary-theoretical objectives that will introduce students to the possibilities of creative communication with literary works of art as a source of aesthetic pleasure. In the 21st century, the century of unlimited (media) possibilities for filling in leisure time, this may remain the only motivation for reading literature.


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