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Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Marko Juvan

Veno Taufer -- življenje in delo
Veno Taufer --- His Life and Work

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Članek v enciklopedično sežeti obliki povezuje socialno bibliografijo in analize dela pesnika, dramatika, kritika in prevajalca Vena Tauferja (roj. 1933). Pri tem posebno pozornost posveča njegovemu delovanju v tistih kulturno-literarnih skupinah, ki so na Slovenskem vpeljevale tokove modernizma in postmodernizma ter obenem s kulturnopolitično kritiko enopartijskega sistema postopoma širile demokratični družbeni prostor (Revija 57, Oder 57, Perspektive, Problemi, Nova revija). Sledove tega delovanja odkriva tudi v strukturi Tauferjevih literarnih besedil.


 - English synopsis

The article is an encyclopaedically condensed social biography and analysis of the literary work of poet, dramatist, critic and translator Veno Taufer (b. 1933). It focuses on his activity in those cultural and literary groups which introduced modernism and postmodernism into Slovene culture and, simultaneously with their culturally political criticism of the single-party political system, spread germs of democratic society (Revija 57, Oder 57, Perspektive, Problemi, Nova revija). This activity is reflected also in the structure of Taufer's literary texts.


 - English summary

The article is an encyclopaedically condensed social biography and analysis of the literary work of poet, dramatist, critic and translator Veno Taufer (b. 1933). It focuses on his activity in those cultural and literary groups which introduced modernism and postmodernism into Slovene culture and, simultaneously with their culturally political criticism of the single-party political system, spread germs of democratic society (Revija 57, Oder 57, Perspektive, Problemi, Nova revija). This activity is reflected also in the structure of Taufer's literary texts.

Taufer's literary works are a relatively hermetic expression of a paradoxical existence faced, on the ruins of metaphysics ans historical eschatologies, with essence and nothingness: existence is aware of death, of its own cognitive limitation or plurality, and of the fragmentary nature of truths; therefore it is fragile, but at the same time languishing, even rebelliously bellicose. Taufer's poems and dramas are, as a critical exposure of existential authenticity, a nihilistic demythologisation or humorous relativisation of the common ways of life, social and religious authorities, and of literary canon. They deconstruct the principles of traditional mimesis and confessionalism, problematising aesthetic completeness of literary works. Taufer replaces it by ironic selfreflection, depersonalisation, fragmentation, intertextuality, asceticism and minimalism, incoherence, ambiguity and semantic vagueness, montage, grotesque and profanation, paradoxical dramatic tension in composition, explosion of sound, experimentation with language and form, yet permeated with a discreet ideative and experiental presence of the author, and, in the latest stage, with reflexivity and idiosyncratic neosimbolism. Taufer's literature is a classic of Slovene modernism, with already some features of postmodernism.


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