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Slovenska književnost
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Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Igor Saksida

Diferenciacija in standardi znanja v učniku za slovenščino
Differentiation and Standards of Knowledge in the Slovene Language Curriculum

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Izraz diferenciacija v domači in tuji literaturi razumejo različno: nivojski pouk v taki ohlapni rabi lahko pomeni zelo raznolike oblike diferenciacije, od zunanje do notranje in fleksibilne. Članek povzema temeljna strokovna izhodišča ter upoštevaje zakonodajo in koncept prenove osnovne šole predlaga modele individualizacije v prvem, fleksibilne v drugem in zunanje diferenciacije v tretjem triletju.


 - English synopsis

The term differentiation is both in Slovene and foreign literature understood in different ways; consequently, the multi-level teaching process may mean very different types of differentiation, from external to internal and flexible. The article sums up basic theoretical premises and - bringing them together with the existing legislation and the concept of the primary school renovation - suggests models for individualization in the first three-year period, for flexible differentiation in the second three-year period, and for external differentiation in the third three-year period.


 - English summary

The article addresses three groups of problems, namely: (1) available models of individualization and differentiation in primary school; (2) implementation of these models in teaching Slovene; and (3) defining standards of knowledge. A review of theoretical premises by Slovene (F. Strmčnik) and other authors and of their place in the work done so far in the curricular renovation is followed by a discussion of the differentiation system in teaching Slovene in primary school in terms of its content, objectives and methods, as well as the standards of knowledge and ways of evaluating students' achievements. The following is suggested: in the first three-year period, a didactic differentiation is performed based on a uniform intermediate-level curriculum; in the second three-year period and in grade 7, this is followed by a flexible differentiation (up to 25 per cent of lessons) with a basic-level curriculum and additional optional objectives; and grades 8 and 9 are organized with a three-level curriculum, where each higher level includes the lower one(s). Standards of knowledge are also differentiated in the last two grades, and they are examined and scored using unfamiliar texts.


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