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Slovenska književnost
Uredništvo <-> bralci

Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Katja Podbevšek

Lektoriranje govorjenega (gledališkega) besedila
Language Revision of Spoken (Stage) Text

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Članek poskuša predstaviti lektoriranje govorjenih besedil, s posebnim poudarkom na gledališkem lektoriranju. Pri tovrstnem lektoriranju je bistveno razlikovanje med pisnim in govorjenim jezikovnim kodom, pretvarjanje iz zapisa v govor in poznavanje medija, v katerem bo besedilo govorjeno. Gledališki lektor skrbi za ustrezno zvrstno, pravorečno, stavčnofonetsko in nebesedno oblikovanje igralčevega govora v gledališki predstavi.


 - English synopsis

The article presents language revision of spoken text, with special emphasis on language consulting in the theatre. Fundamental requirements in this work are distinguishing between written and spoken language codes, knowing how to convert written text into speech, and being familiar with the medium in which a particular text will be realized. A stage language consultant supervises the register or dialect, pronunciation, sentence phonetics and nonverbal communication in a theatrical performance.


 - English summary

The task of language revisers/ consultants is to make sure that a written or spoken text complies with the standards of a given register or text type. Most spoken texts (be they read or memorized) are based on a written source text; consequently, most spoken language consultants are also language revisers for written language. The spoken language consultant must understand differences between written and spoken language, he/she must know how to convert written text into spoken text (vocalization) and he/she must be familiar with the specific requirements of the medium in which a spoken text will be realized (radio, TV, theatre, film, public speech). Since speech reflects a person's mental, physical and psycholinguistic dispositions, the spoken language consultant must also be able to adapt speech performance to the physical and psychosocial features of the individual speaker. The consultant's interventions will significantly depend on the kind of text (literary vs. non-literary), the speaker (educated vs. uneducated), the external circumstances (the microphone, small/ large space, small/ large audience, the listener's presence/ absence --- the »fictitious listener«), the purpose (interpretative, non-interpretative speech).

A special kind of spoken language revision is language consulting in the theatre. The theatre language consultant's work proceeds in several stages, the main emphasis being on read-throughs and on shaping up the stage speech. At read-throughs the language consultant explains his/her idea of the spoken realization of the dialogues (esp. in terms of register or dialect), and works out --- with the actors --- a consistent system of pronunciation, partly also of sentence phonetics. He/she explains difficult passages in the text, corrects language imperfections, etc.

In the second stage of the production, the language consultant watches and listens to the actors on the stage. His/her attention is focused not only on pronunciation and sentence phonetics, but also on the dramaturgic structure of larger speech units, on the audibility and comprehensibility of the actors' speech, and on their non-verbal communication. Speech has to be in harmony with the other semiotic systems in the theatre: scenery, costumes, make-up, lighting, music, movements, etc. The sum total has to comply with the director's artistic concept of the performance.


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