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Slovenska književnost
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Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Katja Sturm-Schnabl

Ženska kot avtorica in lik v novejši slovenski književnosti
Woman as Author and Figure in Contemporary Slovenian Literature

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Ženske avtorice se vse do konca 40. let 19. stoletja niso produktivno vključile v razvoj slovenskega leposlovja. Toda tudi tiste, ki se v začetku 20. stoletja uveljavljajo v osrednji literarni reviji Ljubljanski zvon, niso predmet znanstvene analize, temveč zavajajočih ocen (Anton Slodnjak in Lino Legiša v Zgodovini slovenskega slovstva, Slovenska matica, 1956-1971). Kako literarna veda v okviru gender studies odkriva njihovo spregledano tematsko in slogovno bogasto, je prikazano ob pripovednici in dramski pisateljici Mariji Kmet.


 - English synopsis

Until the late 1840s, women authors had not actively participated in Slovenian literature. Even those who earned reputation in the early 20th century with their contributions to the central literary review Ljubljanski zvon, have not been subject of serious scientific analysis, but rather of misleading appraisal (e.g. by Anton Slodnjak and Lino Legiša in their History of Slovenian Literature, Slovenska matica, 1956-1971). How their thematically and stylistically rich literature is treated by contemporary literary studies within the framework of gender studies, is illustrated using the example of Marija Kmet, story writer and playwright.


 - English summary

Until the late 1840s, women authors had not actively participated in Slovenian literature. Even those who earned reputation in the early 20th century with their contributions to the central literary review Ljubljanski zvon, have not been subject of serious scientific analysis, but rather of misleading appraisal (e.g. by Anton Slodnjak and Lino Legiša in their History of Slovenian Literature, Slovenska matica, 1956-1971). How their thematically and stylistically rich literature is treated by contemporary literary studies within the framework of gender studies, is illustrated using the example of Marija Kmet, story writer and playwright.


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