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Slovenska književnost
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Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Peter Svetina

O dvodelnosti Prešernovega soneta
The Binary Structure of Prešeren's Sonnet

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Članek obravnava vidike notranje členitve 42 Prešernovih sonetov, objavljenih v Poezijah. Poleg spremembe teme in spremembe udeležencev govornega dogodka je dosegal Prešeren notranjo delitev tudi s sredstvi skladenjske členitve (nizanje odvisnikov, vpeljava drugega dela soneta s samostojno povedjo, členitev s pomočjo posledičnega veznika tako in primerjalnega tako kakor --- tako, členitev s spremembo glagolskega in skladenjskega naklona, sprememba glagolskega časa ali dobnosti ter členitev s pomočjo zanikanja). 34 sonetov ima mejo po drugi kvartini, 5 po prvi, eden je enodelen, eden tridelen (4/43/3), pri enem pa je postavitev meje vprašljiva.


 - English synopsis

Prešeren's Poezije includes 42 sonnets. The main devices of internal structuring in these sonnets are changing the theme and changing participants in a communicative event. Additionally, elements of syntactic organization are used, such as a sequence of dependent clauses, beginning the sestet part with an independent sentence, structuring the text with the resultative conjunction tako ('thus') and the comparative tako kakor --- tako ('same as --- as well'), using a shift in verbal and syntactic modality, a change of tense or time relation, or negation. 34 sonnets are divided after the second quatrain, five after the first quatrain, one is undivided, one has three parts (4/43/3), and the dividing line in one sonnet is vague.


 - English summary

Through Čop, Prešeren got to know Schlegel's theory of the sonnet. He followed it both in the external structure of his sonnets (two quatrains, two tercets, iambic hendecasyllable, abba rhyme in quartains, etc.) and in their internal structure (the internal division between the quartains and the tercets). The article touches upon external elements (stanzas, rhyming) only briefly, but rather focuses on devices of internal structure more in detail. In the 42 sonnets published in Prešeren's Poezije, the most salient device of internal structure is a change of theme, but a number of other means are used as well: a change of paticipants in a communicative event; and elements of syntactic organization, such as a sequence of dependent clauses, beginning the sestet part with an independent sentence, structuring the text with the resultative conjunction tako ('thus') and the comparative tako kakor --- tako ('same as --- as well'), using a shift in verbal and syntactic modality, a change of tense or time relation, or negation. Prešeren divided his sonnets after the second quatrain (as recommended by Schlegel) in 34 cases, while five sonnets are divided after the first quatrain, one sonnet is undivided, one has three parts (4/43/3), and the dividing line in one sonnet is vague. Experts do not seem to agree on the parmanent internal structure of the sonnet, the opinions ranging from absolute insistence on the binary structure (Trdina, Kmecl, Novak) to its negation (Slamnig). Prešeren's sonnets seem to favour the former view.


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