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Slovenska književnost
Uredništvo <-> bralci

Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Mateja Pezdirc

Umetnostna besedila pri pouku slovenščine kot drugega/tujega jezika
Literary Texts in Teaching Slovenian as a Second/ Foreign Language

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Članek skuša odgovoriti na ključna vprašanja, ki se zastavljajo učitelju, kadar hoče uporabiti umetnostna besedila pri pouku slovenščine kot drugega/tujega jezika: navaja razloge za vključevanje umetnostnih besedil v pouk ter opozarja na dejavnike, ki jih moramo upoštevati pri izbiri in pripravi čim učinkovitejših aktivnosti za delo v razredu.


 - English synopsis

Attention focuses on some basic questions facing the teacher when he/ she wants to use literary texts in teaching Slovenian as a second/ foreign language. Reasons are given for including literary texts in these courses and factors discussed that have to be taken into consideration when selecting texts and designing efficient classroom activities.


 - English summary

Use of literary texts in teaching Slovenian as a second/ foreign language offers the student a new context in which to learn or consolidate the use of a grammatical structure and to develop awareness of the functional registers of the Slovenian language. Reading literary texts improves his/ her understanding of a foreign culture, while at the same time stimulating his/ her reading habits, imagination, ability to express opinion and experiences, and his/ her own creativity.

Current textbooks for learning Slovenian as a second/ foreign language mainly contain adapted, functional texts exemplifying uses of various grammatical rules. Frequently they are complemented by short authentic journalistic and general communicative texts, by very few textbooks include authentic literary texts.

Literary texts --- lyrical, epic and dramatic --- can be used at any stage of language proficiency and age. The only relevant criteria to be observed in their selection are the type of course in which they will be used, the students' abilities, knowledge and interests, and the linguistic, thematic and genre properties of the text.

In designing classroom activities, the teacher has to know exactly what he/ she wants the students to learn, and to anticipate possible difficulties in the text, and then to adapt the activities accordingly: how to read the text, how to explain new vocabulary and cultural references, how to sequence the exercises, etc. Students have to be helped to recognize typical literary elements and to develop their own response to the text.


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