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Slovenska književnost
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Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Joža Mahnič

Razvoj Slovenske matice od njenih začetkov do prve svetovne vojne
The Slovenska Matica From its Beginnings Till World War One

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Članek govori o Slovenski matici, ki je bila ustanovljena leta 1864, skrbi kot društvo in založba za znanost, predvsem humanistično, in za leposlovje ter je utirala pot Slovenski akademiji znanosti in umetnosti. V svojem razvoju od začetkov do prve vojne je doživela glede na kakovost objavljenih del tri obdobja: obdobje konservativnih staroslovencev, obdobje svobodoumnega prof. Frana Levca in obdobje novoilirca dr. Frana Ilešiča; za prvo je značilna stagnacija, za drugo izjemen vzpon in za tretje povprečje.


 - English synopsis

The Slovenska Matica was founded in 1864 as a cultural institution in charge of promoting Slovenian science --- especially the humanities --- and literature. It was a precursor of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Its development from its beginnings till World War One may be devided into three stages of different levels of quality: the period of conservative Old Slovenians, the period of the freethinking Fran Levec, and the period of the New-Illyrian Fran Ilešič. The first period is characterized by stagnation, the second by impressive activities, and the third by average achievements.


 - English summary

The Slovenska Matica was founded in 1864 with the task of promoting Slovenian science and literature. The article deals with its activities from its foudation until its temporary ban at the beginning of World War One. The first stage in this period was controlled by conservative Old Slovenians. The Matica stagnated in both fields of its activity, its only achievement being secondary school textbooks for natural sciences. The instruction reached its first climax in the days of freethinker Fran Levec. Its regular year-books published historical and linguistic studies as well as literary texts, among others by Ivan Cankar. The Matica published collections of folk poetry and monographies on Slovenian regions. It provided for the laying of foundiations of Slovenian literary history and bibliography, and published translations of world classics, especially from Slavic languages. In the third period, when it was led by Fran Ilešič, the Matica continued to implement Levec's literary program in a limited scope and at an average level of quality, but its main efforts went into cultiuvating linguistic and cultural contacts with Croats. The publication of Maselj's novel Gospodin Franjo resulted in a ban on its activities during World War One.


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