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Slovenska književnost
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Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Barbara Pregelj

Slovensko raziskovanje trivialne literature po letu 1980
Slovene Research of Trivial Literature Since 1980

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Prispevek je pregled slovenskega raziskovanja trivialne literature, ki je l. 1980 deležna precejšnje pozornosti, zlasti v genoloških raziskavah tradicionalno trivialnih žanrov. Razpravljanje o trivialni književnosti doživlja preobrat v kontekstu prakse in študij književnega postmodernizma, kjer so doslej veljavne aksiološke dihotomije presežene.


 - English synopsis

The author reviews research of trivial literature in Slovenia, which has been since 1980 receiving considerable attention, especially in genological studies of traditionally trivial genres. Discussions on trivial literature change dramatically in the context of production and research of postmodernist literature, where previously valid axiological dichotomies were surpassed.


 - English summary

The author reviews research of trivial literature in Slovenia since 1980. This year marks the beginning of a decade of increased interest in trivial literature, which saw also the publication of the first systematic Slovene review of research of trivial literature in Slovenia and elsewhere (Miran Hladnik's Trivial Literature in 1983). After Hladnik's study in The Literary Lexicon, bibliography on trivial literature is rather meagre, which might be interpreted as an indicator of a decreased interest in trivial literature. This conclusion, however, is contradicted by the large number of genre studies (especially of novels: sentimental, Gothic, science fiction, etc.), which, by the very nature of their thematic orientation, traditionally also belong to the domain of trivial literature. The review of studies of trivial literature in recent years includes also studies on postmodernism, because it seems it was precisely theoreticians (but also the literature) of postmodernism that surpassed the axiological dichotomy between the high and the low, high and trivial literatures and brought a decisive change into discussions on trivial literature.


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