Irena Grčar
Pripovedna proza v reviji Vesna
Narrative Prose in the Vesna Magazine
Slovenski sinopsis
English synopsis
English summary

Slovenski sinopsis
Literarnozvrstna oznaka novela je povezana s poetološko naravnanostjo Vesne, ki je hotela biti revija za zahtevnega bralca. Z določitvijo kategoričnih lastnosti novele so bile ugotovljene bistvene razlike glede na povest. Pri črticah se je pokazala usmerjenost k modernejšim pripovednim strukturam in novoromantičnim stilnim tokovom.
English synopsis
The literary genre of short story is related to the poetologic orientation of the Vesna, which purported to be a magazine for the demanding reader. When its categorial properties are identified, it is found to differ significantly from the story. Short short stories in the Vesna tend to embrace contemporary narrative patterns and the new Romanticism style.
English summary
The most frequent genre in the Vesna magazine was the short story. A comparative analysis shows certain characteristics that feature, with relatively minor idiosyncrasies, in all Vesna short stories. When compared to typical properties of the second 19th century story, the defining categories of the Vesna short story prove to be very different, ruling out any discussion of the Vesna short story as a type/ variant of the story. The fact that only one --- and completely atypical --- story was published in the Vesna, implies there was a programmatic effort to introduce the short story into Slovene narrative prose, thematically linked back to the tradition, but innovative in its strong naturalist tendencies. The frequent use of the term 'short story' in the Vesna acquires special meaning when compared to the situation in the Dom in svet and the Ljubljanski zvon, where it appeared only occasionally.
Texts classified by literary theory as short short stories are of two types: traditional and modern short stories. They display a transition from a firm epic structure into a complete dissolution of any story, into fragmentation, and elements of new Romanticism style.