Vanda Babič
Bukvar 1739 -- nastopna izdaja Mateja Karamana in njegovo mesto pri oblikovanju posebnega glagolskega grafičnega sistema v Karamanovih izdajah liturgičnih knjig
The 1739 Primer -- Matej Karaman's Introductory Publication and its Place in the Development of a Special Glagolitic Graphic System in Karaman's Editions of Lithurgical Books
Slovenski sinopsis
English synopsis
English summary

Slovenski sinopsis
Avtorica primerja dva hrvaška glagolska bukvarja iz obdobja vzhodnoslovanizacije: Azbukividnjak slovinskij (Rim, 1629) Rafaela Levakovića in Bukvar
Slavenskij (Rim, 1739) Mateja Karamana. Čeprav sta bukvarja vsebinsko izenačena, v svojo glagolsko grafično in pravopisno zasnovo sprejemata dve različni pravopisni tradiciji, na eni strani zakonitosti hrvaškega glagolskega (natančneje, protestantskega) izdajateljstva, na drugi pa vzhodnoslovansko cirilsko grafično osnovo, ki je glagolski črkopis prilagodila cirilskemu in postavila temelje za oblikovanje značilnega vzhodnoslovanskega fonetičnega sistema.
English synopsis
The author compares two Croatian Glagolitic primers from the period of Eastern Slavonization: Azbukividnjak slovinski
(Rome, 1629) by Rafael Levaković and Bukvar
(Rome, 1739) by Matej Karaman. While very similar in their contents, the books accept two different orthographic traditions in designing their Glagolitic graphic and ortographic systems: for one it is the principles of Croatian (more exactly, Protestant) publishing, and for the other it is the Eastern Slavonic graphic system, which adapted the Glagolitic writing system to the Cyrillic one and thus created the basis for the development of the characteristic Eastern Slavonic phonetic orthography.
English summary
At a sharp point of convergence of two graphic linguistic traditions, the Croatian Glagolitic one and the Eastern Slavonic Cyrillic one, Rome's publishing was marked by two experimental publications --- the primer Azbukividnjak slovinskij (Rome, 1629) and Bukvar
slavenskij (Rome, 1739). The two books present their respective authors' (Rafael Levaković and Matej Karaman) graphic and printing solutions to be used in their later publishing enterprises.
Levaković's primer is a forerunner of his 1631 Misal, and Kramer's book anticipates his 1741 Misal (and his 1791 Misal). While very similar in their contents, the books accept two different orthographic traditions in designing their Glagolitic graphic and orthographic systems: for one it is the principles of Croatian (more exactly, Protestant) publishing, and for the other it is the Eastern Slavonic graphic system, which adapted the Glagolitic writing system to the Cyrillic one and thus created the basis for the development of the characteristic Eastern Slavonic phonetic orthography. The 1739 primer with its revised Glagolitic writing system (not entirely original, as most of the new graphemes had been designed and used already in Levaković's 1648 Brevir) meant a definitive and deliberate adoption of the Eastern Slavonic grammatical tradition.