Kodni sistem
Slovenska književnost
Uredništvo <-> bralci

Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Alenka Šivic-Dular

Skladenjska določitev lastnega imena
Linguistic Definition of the Proper Noun

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

V članku se razčlenjujejo znanstveni pogledi na skladenjsko vlogo sestavin I1 in I2 v besednih zvezah, sestavljenih iz dveh samostalnikov v imenovalniku (tip I1-I2), od katerih je sestavina I2 lastnoimenska. Podana je skladenjska določitev lastnega imena.


 - English synopsis

The article analyzes scholary views of the syntactic function of the two components, N1 and N2, in noun phrases consisting of two nouns in the nominative case (type N1-N2) in grammars of Slavic languages and a syntactic definition of the process of onymization is given.


 - English summary

The article analyzes scholary views of the syntactic function of the two components, N1 and N2, in noun phrases consisting of two nouns in the nominative case (type N1-N2) in grammars of Slavic languages (Slovene, Croatian, Czech, Polish, and Russian); in particular, it scrutinizes the function of N1 in phrases in which N1 is a common noun and N2 a proper noun (type reka Sava 'the river Sava'). Proceeding from Šmilauer's (ÚT: 161) definition that the meaning (i. e., the onomastic or functional meaning) of a proper noun is identical with the object named (in size, extent, characteristics, etc.), it is argued that the function of the common-name component N1, optional in the (surface) syntactic structure (cf. reka Sava and Sava), is to make the functional meaning of the proper-name component N2 explicit classwise (cf. reka Krka 'the river Krka' vs. vas Krka 'the village (of) Krka'). A common noun + proper noun phrase (such as, in Slovene, reka Sava) should thus be seen as the onomastic model of a proper noun. It is the analysis of the syntactic relationship between N1 and N2 in the onomastic model of the proper noun that offers insight into the process of onymization: it sheds light on what the transition of common nouns (nomina appellativa) to proper nouns (nomina propria) means from the linguistic point of view. If semantically onymization is a noun's transition from being a means of designating a class to being a means of designating a particular and, conversely, appellativization is a noun's transition from being a means of designating a class, then syntactically onymization is a noun's transition from its primary (i. e., of a syntactic head H) to its exclusively secondary function (i. e, of a modifier M), which can also be expressed by the following formula of onymization: common noun -> proper noun = function H -> function M.


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