Metka Kordigel
Pouk literarne teorije malo drugače ali Zakaj pravljica v učni načrt za drugo triletje
A Different Approach to Teaching Literature, or What is the Fairytale Doing in the Second Triennium Curriculum?
Slovenski sinopsis
English synopsis
English summary

Slovenski sinopsis
V pričujočem sestavku smo pokazali, na kakšen način je mogoče dosegati s
komunikacijskim modelom knjižne vzgoje, ki ga postopoma uvajamo v vse
stopnje osnovne šole in v večino oblik srednješolskega izobraževanja,
literarnovedne cilje književne vzgoje enako uspešno kot klasični pouk
književnosti, in istočasno realizirati tudi njene funkcionalne in
vzgojne cilje: sistematično razvijati recepcijsko sposobnost (=
sposobnost literarnega branja) ter ohranjati in razvijati naklonjenost
do branja leposlovja.
English synopsis
The paper describes how the communicative model of literary education, which is being gradually introduced at all
primary school levels and most secondary school levels, is equally successful in achieving literary studies aims as the
traditional approach, while at the same time also pursuing its functional and educational objectives: to systematically
develop the receptive ability (i.e. the ability of literary reading) and to maintain and develop students' interest for
reading literature.
English summary
The paper reports on an experiment which proved that the communicative
model of literary education, which is being gradually introduced at all
primary school levels and most secondary school levels, is equally
successful in achieving literary studies aims as the traditional
approach, with one major difference: being based on student-centred
teaching, it helps the teacher to pursue also functional and educational
objectives of teaching literature. The productive principle of observing
the reader's mind map is described, as well as a pedagogical approach
that stimulates internalisation of mental patterns in the second
triennium of the reformed nine-year primary school.
The didactic model which is being introduced into schools does not reduce the level of literary knowledge. Its
advantage is that besides increasing literary theory knowledge it also creates opportunities for a functional application
of this knowledge in a systematic development of the receptive ability (i.e. the ability of literary reading) and in
maintaining and developing students' interest for reading literature.