Kodni sistem
Slovenska književnost
Uredništvo <-> bralci

Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Irena Novak - Popov

Slovenska poezija v devetdesetih letih
Slovene Poetry of the 1990s

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Razprava obravnava nekatere opaznejše tematsko-vsebinske premike v zelo heterogeni in bogati pesniški ustvarjalnosti zadnjega desetletja. Beleži znamenja globinskih premikov v prisvajanju pesniških tradicij, prevrednotenju individualne izkušnje, ki je vsebovana tako v odzivu na enkratno konkretnost kot v povezovanju z duhovnim vesoljem in vesoljem drugega.


 - English synopsis

The article discusses several noticeable shifts in the themes and subject matter of the generally very heterogeneous and rich Slovene poetry in the last decade. It notices signs of deep shifts in the appropriation of poetic traditions and re-evaluations of individual experiences, which is present both in poets' responses to the unique conditions of the present day and in their seeking to establish connections with the spiritual universe and with the universe of the other.


 - English summary

The article discusses the diversity of Slovene poetry in the last decade. Several dozen authors of seven or eight generations participated in the buoyant creative process. Their heterogeneous individual poetics do not (yet) allow any definitive systemisation. In consequence, the author attempts to identify several salient features, which are not constituted as an exclusive or hierarchically superior pattern. The first characteristic is surpassing the national, reaching out towards world poetry and entering into dialogue with the classics of Slovene modernism. The dispersonalized universal experience is ousted by personal, intimate one, the troubled and rebellious personal confessions are replaced by more restrained ones, either dispersed or immersed in personal mythology. Poets' reaction to the end of the century is ambivalent, shocked by the violence of war, and intertwined with new self-questioning and reflections on the foundations of poetic language. Melancholy over the loss of existential fulfilment is accompanied by an increasing strong humour, joyous physical carnivalism, attention to the one-time-only existence, correspondences with the universal laws and subtle spiritual search for the wholeness, together with the timeless themes of love, now refreshed with the new motif of fatherhood.


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