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Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Katja Mihurko Poniž

Pripovedna besedila slovenskih pisateljic - sodobnic Zofke Kveder
Narrative Prose by Slovene Women Writers, Contemporaries of Zofka Kveder

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Pričujoči prispevek je raziskava prozne ustvarjalnosti slovenskih pisateljic, sodobnic Zofke Kvedrove. Gre torej za obdobje v letih od 1897 do 1914, ko Zofka Kveder ustvarja v slovenščini. Dela njenih sodobnic nas zanimajo zato, da bi ugotovili, katere teme so bile slovenskim pisateljicam v tem času blizu in na kakšen način so jih v prozi ubesedile. Raziskava je pokazala, da je v središču njihovega zanimanja ženska v različnih vlogah: v vlogi matere, žene, zaljubljenega dekleta in intelektualke oziroma delavke. Mnogo del je socialno kritičnih, toda nobena od pisateljic ne dosega ostrine Zofke Kveder, ki je v tem obdobju najpomembnejša slovenska pisateljica.


 - English synopsis

The paper explores the prose of Slovene women writers who were Zofka Kveder's contemporaries, i.e. in the period between 1897 and 1914, when Zofka Kveder wrote in the Slovene language. Research has shown that these women writers focused on woman in different roles: as mother, wife, a young girl in love, an intellectual or a factory worker. As regards the formal side of these texts and their authors' expressive power, the author finds them wanting in comparison with the sharp social criticism of Zofka Kveder, who is the most important Slovene writer of that period.


 - English summary

In the period between 1897 and 1914, when Zofka Kveder wrote in the Slovene language, there were several other women writers in Slovenia. Their work is of interest to literary theory as a testimony of topics close to Slovene women writers of that period, and as a material to be compared with Zofka Kveder's prose (the study is a part of a larger research into her literary creativity). After a brief introductory overview of the findings of representative literary scholars of both sexes dealing with the question of whether women write in a different way than men, the author quotes extracts from M. Hladnik, I. Grdina and S. Borovnik to illustrate the attitude towards women's writing in Slovene literary history. This part includes also brief discussions of Slovene women writers active before 1897. In the central part, the author shows that Slovene women writers, contemporaries of Zofka Kveder, focused on woman and her various roles: those of mother, wife, a young girl in love and an intellectual or a factory worker. As regards the formal side of these texts and their authors' expressive power, the author finds them wanting in comparison with Zofka Kveder. Many of the works are socially critical, but no other woman writer has the same sharp critical tone as Zofka Kveder, who is the most important Slovene writer of that period. Nevertheless, these other authors deserve full attention of literary scholars, because tin the first decade of the 20th century the number of women prose writers in Slovenia rose significantly, and their publications in various journals were an immediate stimulation for other women to start writing themselves.


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