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Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Bojana Stojanović - Pantović

Metodološki vidiki preučevanja srbskega ekspresionizma
Methodological Aspects of Researching Serbian Expressionism

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Prispevek osvetljuje ključne problemske nedorečenosti pri proučevanju ekspresionističnega gibanja v srbski književnosti. Določitev pojava zahteva distinktivno in niansirano rabo različnih kriterijev, zaradi katerih je uvrščen v vmesni položaj med obsežnejšima tipološko- estetskima pojmoma modernizem in avantgarda. Pri tem ni mišljena samo eksplicitna, programska, temveč tudi pesniška, prozna in dramska praksa srbskih ekspresionistov.


 - English synopsis

The article highlights the key open problems in research on the expressionist movement in Serbian literature. A discriminative and delicate application of a set of criteria can help us define and describe the phenomenon, placing it between the better identified and more extensive aesthetic typology concepts of modernism and avant- gardism. This does not refer only to the explicit, programmatic orientation, but also to the poetic, prose and dramatic practice of Serbian expressionists.


 - English summary

The article outlines the complex nature of the methodological aspects of research on expressionism in Serbian literature, on expressionism being a movement rather than a literary tendency, its modernist orientation (individualism and relativism, stylistic and poetic heritage of impressionism, symbolism, decadence and naturalism) and its avant-garde function of rejecting the mimetic and formalistic poetics prevailing until then. Related to this complexity is the problematic periodization of Serbian expressionism (1913 till 1926) and the fact that it actually developed as a radical continuation of non-mainstream trends of Serbian modernism (S. Stefanović, I. Sekulić, D. Mitrinović, T. Manojlović, S. Viaver). The author proposes a provisional methodological approach to the Serbian expressionist literature that covers a number of different aspects (poetologically-ideational, thematic, morphologically- structural, stylistically-rhetorical, and semantic), emphasising that expressionist verse, prose or drama texts are open to interpretation in terms of the relative importance or domination of individual criteria.


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