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Slovenska književnost
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Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Katja Mihurko Poniž

Materinstvo kot umetnostni motiv in njegova upodobitev v povesti Samorastniki
Motherhood as an Artistic Motif and ats Exploitation in the Story Samorastniki

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Patriarhalna družba ima, kar se odraža tudi v umetnosti, do materinstva izredno ambivalenten odnos. Ta odnos je v dvajsetem stoletju poskušala raziskati psihoanaliza, ki opozorila na fantazme, ki se v patriarhalni družbi pojavljajo v zvezi z materinstvom in izhajajo v krščanski civilizaciji iz Marijinega kulta.

V slovenski literaturi srečamo številne in izredno zanimive ženske like pri Zofki Kveder, pozornost vzbjajoče pa je tudi slikanje materinstva v Vorančevi povesti Samorastniki, saj pisatelj prikaže Meto v različnih življenjskih obdobjih in v različnih vlogah (tudi kot člen v verigi matrilinearnega nasledstva). Tako ustvari prepričljivo literarno osebo, katere glavni atribut je materinstvo, videno skozi tradicionalni, patriarhalni pogled na svet.


 - English synopsis

Patriarchal society's attitude towards motherhood is extremely ambivalent, and this is reflected also in arts. This phenomenon has been a major topic of research in the 20th century psychoanalysis, which has highlighted the phantasms that appear in patriarchal society regarding motherhood and that in Christian civilisation originate in the cult of the Virgin Mary.

In Slovene literature, numerous and very interesting female characters are found in the works of Zofka Kveder. Another interesting exploitation of the motherhood motif is Voranc's story Samorastniki, where Meta is depicted at various stages of her life and in various roles (also as a link in a chain of matrilineage). Thus she becomes a convincing literary character, whose main attribute is motherhood as seen within a traditional, patriarchal view of the world.


 - English summary

Patriarchal society's attitude towards motherhood is extremely ambivalent, and this is reflected also in arts. On the one hand, motherhood is glorified, on the other hand it is condemned and rejected when it violates the society's moral rules. This phenomenon has been a major topic of research in the 20th century psychoanalysis, where especially contributions of feminist analysts (J. Benjamin, N. Chodorow) have provided many answers, but also opened up numerous new questions. In particular, psychoanalysis has highlighted the phantasms that appear in patriarchal society regarding motherhood and that in Christian civilisation originate in the cult of the Virgin Mary.

In literature, the motif of maternal happiness is particularly common in works of female writers, while in traditional folk literature the maternal figure is frequently absent. In the Sturm und Drang and Romantic literature the motif of infanticide is quite common. It is encountered in several texts by Zofka Kveder, whose rich repertoire of different views of motherhood has not been surpassed in Slovene literature.

Another interesting exploitation of this motif is Voranc's story Samorastniki, where --- although it is subordinated to the idea of a new generation of revolutionaries --- Meta is depicted at various stages of her life and in various roles (also as a link in a chain of matrilineage). Thus she becomes a convincing literary character, whose main attribute is motherhood as seen within a traditional, patriarchal view of the world.


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