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Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Boža Krakar Vogel

Obravnavanje literarne klasike v sodobni šoli - na primeru Prešerna
Literary Classics in Contemporary School: The Example of Prešeren

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Naš prispevek na podlagi raziskovanja odzivov na Prešerna in opazovanj šolske prakse daje nekaj predlogov, kako je mogoče kljub sorazmernemu izhodiščnemu nezanimanju mladih za literarno klasiko dosegati boljšo motivacijo za branje in obravnavanje te literature. Zaradi številnih trajno aktualnih vlog literarna klasika namreč upravičeno ostaja ena od temeljnih vsebin tudi pri sodobnem književnem pouku.


 - English synopsis

On the basis of two empirical studies of students' responses to Prešeren's poetry and observation of classroom practice, the author proposes several ideas for improving the initially modest interest of young people in literary classics and motivating them to read and discuss this literature. With numerous timeless roles, classic literature remains one of the cornerstones of teaching literature.


 - English summary

Literary classics, the »core« of literary canon, literature with the properties of »exceptionality, excellence, first-rateness«, tested on two or more generations of cultivated readers, is traditionally the major content of (especially secondary school) literature classes both in Slovenia and in many other countries. However, views in contemporary literary pedagogy on how necessary and how attractive this literature is in classroom differ.

The issue of whether literary classics can still function as the core of contemporary literary classes in Slovene schools was addressed again when new curricula were being designed, and an empirical study into it was carried out on the occasions of the anniversaries of Prešeren's birth and of his death.

Answers of teachers, authors and literature experts show that they mostly agree that literary classics play not only an educational and humanistically encyclopaedic role, but that they act also as a corpus of fundamental literary patterns that significantly contributes to the formation of the young reader's horizon of expectations, helping him to become able of quality reading of new, unknown texts.

How classic literature and its art could be made more appealing to young generations was explored in two qualitative studies of responses of primary school, secondary school and university students to Prešeren's poetry. The moderate popularity of Prešeren's poetry, which derives from a naïve emotional experience and an admiration of its artism and which is reduced by poor comprehension of its messages, often seen as having little relevance to the present time, could be, according to our respondents, improved. To achieve this, teachers should help them to better understand Prešeren's poetic language, present his life and character in a more interesting way, allow them to develop a freer evaluation that would not be constrained by the generally accepted myth, and have them listen to oral interpretations of his poems. These suggestions support our earlier observations that these activities are frequently neglected at the expense of a too demanding »scientific« nature of literary classes, which implies that teachers' expectations are sometimes excessive and that they are not aware of communication noises in their teaching strategies.

On the basis of this research into students' responses to Prešeren and observations of classroom practice, the author proposes several ideas for improving the initially modest interest of young people in literary classics and motivating them to read and discuss this literature. With numerous timeless roles, classic literature remains one of the cornerstones of teaching literature.


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