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Alojzija Zupan Sosič

Fantastika in sodobni slovenski roman ob koncu stoletja
Fantasy And The End-of-20 th Century Slovene Novel

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Fantastika sodobnega slovenskega romana ob koncu stoletja se navezuje na žanrske in tematske vzpodbude. V devetdesetih letih se je namreč pojavilo več fantastičnih žanrov (pravljica, antiutopični in grozljivi roman) in romani pokrajinske fantastike - slednji so tematizirali nenavadnost slovenskega obrobja, tj. Istre, Prekmurja in Prlekije.


 - English synopsis

Fantasy in the Slovene novel at the end of the 20th century is related to genre and thematic impulses. The 1990s witnessed an upsurge of several fantasy genres (the fairy tale, the anti utopian novel and the horror novel) as well as of regional fantasy novels. The latter thematized quaintness of peripheral Slovene regions, viz. Istria, Prekmurje, and Prlekija.


 - English summary

Fantasy marked the Slovene novel of the 1990s more than ever before. Its origins may be related to genre (fairy tale, anti- utopia and horror novel) and thematic (remythisation of Istria and Prekmurje - regional fantasy) impulses. Fantasy of the fairy-tale novel derives from folk tales and (fairy) fantasy stories, while in the anti-utopian novel it reaches towards science fiction inventions or methods of a repressive society of the future. In regional fantasy novels, which modelled themselves mainly on the horror novel, it developed from the heritage of an archaic understanding of the world, natural phenomena and the individual's existence. The fact that there are also numerous contemporary Slovene novels in which fantasy, though not central to their structure or content (and thus not genre-determining), is present in dispersed fantastic motifs, proves that the role of fantasy in the most recent Slovene novel has significantly increased.


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