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Slovenska knjizevnost
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Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Ursula Krevs

Govorno vedenje pri Slovencih v Nemciji
Speech Behaviour of the Slovenes in Germany

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Raziskava, ki sodi v okvir proucevanj izseljenstva, se ukvarja s problematiko jezikov v stiku pri Slovencih v Nemciji, torej zunaj avtohtone poselitve. Odkriva podrocja, na katerih je mogoca uporaba enega ali drugega jezika (L1 oz. L2), z anketo pa razkriva tudi, kaksno je jezikovno znanje prve oz. druge generacije slovenskih izseljencev na obmocju Aachna oz Essna, ali gre pri njihovem znanju materinscine za relevantne razlike in kaksna je vloga slovenskih ustanov, dopolnilnega pouka in dejavnosti slovenskih izseljenskih duhovnikov pri ohranjanju slovenscine v dvojezicnem okolju. Na vse to pa vplivajo tudi aktualni dogodki in mednarodni polozaj Slovenije.


 - English synopsis

The research which belongs within the framework of emigrant studies deals with the problems of languages in contact of the Slovenes in Germany, hence outside the autochtonous settlement. It reveals areas on which the usage of one or the other language is possible (L1 or L2), while the questionnaire points to knowledge of Slovene of the first or the second generation of Slovene emigrants in the areas of Aachen and Essen, respectively. It furthermore tries to determine whether there are relevant differences in their knowledge of the mother tongue and the role of Slovene institutions, supplemental classes and the activities of Slovene emigrant priests in the preservation of Slovene in a bilingual environment, which is influenced also by contemporary events and the international situation of Slovenia.


 - English summary

The article deals with the problems of languages in contact with the Slovenes outside their autochtonous settlement. The study is based on the fact that an emigrant is bilingual. That is why the theoretical part of the research puts to the fore the theory of a linguistic contact with the changes that are the result of the changed speech and behaviour customs. The author describes the general framework of the emigrant's bilinguism and the areas of usage for L1 and L2 with the Slovenes living in Germany.

In the empirical part of the study the results of the questionnaire that the author carried out among the Slovenes in part of Western Westfalia in September 1991 are presented. She analysed the results with regard to the fact whether or not the informants belong to the first or the second generation and whether they live in the area with Slovene institutions are to be found. The analysis of the data revealed the linguistic knowledge, the usage of Slovene in the family and in contact with other Slovenes, the influence of Slovene institutions on the knowledge of Slovene, and the linguistic loyalty with the Slovene emigrants in this part of Germany.


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