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Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Olga Kunst-Gnamus

Slovnicna zgradba in vloga stavkov s pomensko podstavo SZ1 biti SZ2
The Grammatical Structure and the Role of Sentences with the Link Meaning »SZ1 BITI SZ2«

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Raziskava je posvecena stavkom s pomensko podstavi SZ1 biti SZ2, pri cemer gre za ujemalna razmerja med pomoznim glagolom biti in samostalniskima besednima zvezama, ki imata lahko vlogo osebka ali povedkovega dolocila. Pri tem prihaja do semanticnih razlik in posledicno do tezav, s katerimi se srecujejo govorci oz. avtorji takih tekstov, na katere pa slovnica ni posebej opozorila.


 - English synopsis

The research is dedicated to the sentences with the link meaning »SZ1 biti SZ2«, where the relationships of correspondence between the auxiliary verb »to be« and the nominal word phrases can assume the role of the subject or verbal phrase. In it semantic differences and the consequent problems emerge, with which the speakers or authors of such texts meet, but which have so far not been specifically discussed by grammarians.


 - English summary

The subject of the study are sentences with the link meaning »SZ1 BITI SZ2«, that is the relationships of correspondence between the auxiliary »to be« and the nominal phrases SZ1 and SZ2, which can assume the role of the subject and verbal phrase.

The description of the problems with which the speakers meet in forming these sentences is followed by a report about the empirical research. In it is examined the relationship between metaknowledge (which is shown in determining sentence elements) and the linguistic feeling, which emerges in the formation and selection of these sentences. The rules of correspondence that the speakers use in the formation and selection do not correspond the grammatical feeling of a native speaker, who is sensitive to the semantic differences that grammar has so far not yet analyzed.


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