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Slovenska knjizevnost
Urednistvo <-> bralci

Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Zdenko Lapajne, Urska Zobec

Analiza izbranih maturitetnih postavk
Item Analysis of Selected Items in matura Examinations

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Clanek uvaja ucitelje jezikov v analizo postavk brez tehnicnega izrazja. Zacne se z opredelitvami pojmov postavka, dosezek na postavki in testni dosezek. Rezultate analize izbranih sedem postavk v velikem vzorcu (N = 7.535) prikazuje na slikah z empiricnimi karakteristicnimi funkcijami, ki povezujejo povprecne dosezke na postavki za dijake z razlicnimi skupnimi testnimi dosezki. Clanek sklene kratek uvod v omejitve analize postavk pri razvoju izpitnih pol.


 - English synopsis

The paper introduces language teachers to item analysis in nontechnical terms: item, item score and test score are defined. Results of quantitative analysis in a large sample (N = 7,535) are shown for seven selected items in graphical form with empirical item characteristic curves, showing average item scores for students with different total test scores. The paper ends with a brief introduction to limitations of item analysis in test development.


 - English summary

The paper introduces language teachers to item analysis in nontechnical terms: item, item score and test score are defined. Results of quantitative analysis in a large sample (N = 7,535) are shown for seven selected items in graphical form with empirical item characteristic curves, showing average item scores for students with different total test scores. The paper ends with a brief introduction to limitations of item analysis in test development.


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