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Slovenska knjizevnost
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Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Igor Saksida

Knjizevni interesi otrok in didakticna gradiva pri pouku v drugem razredu osnovne sole
Literary Interests of Children and Didactic Materials Used in The Second Grade of Elementary School

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Prispevek v prvem delu analizira vprasalnik za ugotavljanje knjizevnih interesov otrok. Vprasanja in rezultati so vezani na branje/poslusanje pravljic in pesmi v druzinskem krogu, kazejo pa tudi priljubljenost poezije oziroma proze ter opredeljujejo najljubse junake, dela in snov mladinske knjizevnosti. Drugi del prispevka prikazuje odgovore na vprasanja o vlogi berila pri knjizevni vzgoji, o sestavi didakticnega instrumentarija ter o sodelovanju s starsi oziroma s knjiznico. Spoznanja bodo pomemben pripomocek pri sestavljanju ucnika za slovenscino v prvem triletju osnovne sole.


 - English synopsis

The contribution in the first part analyzes the questionnaire traying to determine the literary interest of children. Answers and results are connected with the reading/listening to fairy-tales and poems in the family circle. They also show the popularity of poetry or prose and define the favourite heroes, works and subject-matter of juvenile literature. The second part of the article analyzes the answers to the questions about the role of the reader in literary education, about the structure of didactic tools and about the collaboration with parents and the library. The results shall prove an important tool in forming the kernel of Slovene texts to be studied in the first three-year period of elementary school.


 - English summary

The article publishes and comments upon results collected on the basis of a questionnaire trying to determine the literary interests of children and the structure of didactic materials. Woman school-teachers and pupils of both sexes responded well to it: the researchers working on the project received 19 questionnaires with the answers of woman school-teachers and 238 questionnaires with the answers of pupils of both sexes, relating to their literary interests. The answers show that many children listen to the narration of fairy-tales at home (83 %) --- they are often listened to or read in the family circle. Parents read fairy-tales more often to boys than to girls, which holds true also of poetry. The results point to the fact that there are no differences in popularity between poetry and prose. Among prose texts in this regard stand out fairy-tale texts. To the question about the most popular ones, boys and girls answer with Rdeca kapica and Sneguljcica; the girls single out more often Trnuljcica and Pepelka, the boys, however, Pekarna Mismas and Peter Pan. The emergence of the texts belonging to trivial literature shows that the children have already outgrown the period of classic fairy-tales. Among the structural elements that attract the children, girls mention a suspenseful story, the boys a happy ending, fairy-tale heroes and humour. An interest for texts about animals is visible also in fairy-tales with both groups, as well as an interest for entering the imaginary world of a fairy-tale. The most popular heroes of the girls are Peter Pan and Sneguljcica, whereas the boys find the most interesting the fairy-tales Peter Pan and Robin Hood. The girls feel closer to Sneguljcica, Pepelka and Pika Nogavicka, the boys to Aladin. Among interests connected with the subject-matter the children are mostly interested in stories about animals, which appear also as the most frequently chosen heroes of poems, followed by children figures and Nature. Children like humorous poems (humor is more important to boys than to girls), as to the subject-matter poems about animals are again the most popular ones. Among dramatic texts Zogica Marogica/Nogica is the most popular one. The data about the most popular books are telling, too: classic fairy-tales are still on the list, but this phase is already in decline, which is shown by the high level of popularity of the collection Pet prijateljev. The boys like popular scientific books best. Questionnaires, filled in by the school-teachers, are related to the teaching means in literature teaching. The answers show that the teachers mostly use the prescribed reader, which they find as a suitable collection of texts and thus an indispensable part of literary education; in it especially the magazine Ciciban and the extracts from juvenile literature. The reader should take into consideration especially the literary interests of children and the accompanying didactic elements should contain especially questions for understanding the texts and exercises for a creative remodelling of the text. School-teachers find useful also indications for the discussion of texts from the reader and a list of works that have to be dealt with in school. In developing the reading culture, school-teachers feel that a collaboration with parents is necessary. They also find the role of the school library extremely important. Data obtained with the analysis of the answers of children and school-teachers shall prove as a useful tool in forming the kernel of school texts to be studied. This is an important part of the renovation of the first three-year period as regards the subject-matter.


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