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Tone Smolej

Cankar kot sprejemnik Zolajevega romana L'Oeuvre
Cankar As a Recipient of Zola's Novel L'Oeuvre

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Avtor v svojem spisu raziskuje vse tiste dejavnike Zolajevega romana L'Oeuvre, ki bi utegnili vplivati na genezo Cankarjevih Tujcev, prvega slovenskega umetniskega romana.


 - English synopsis

The author in his essay researches all those elements of Zola's novel L'Oeuvre that may have influenced the genesis of Cankar's novel Tujci, the first Slovene artistic novel.


 - English summary

The study departs from a thesis that Cankar's reception of Zola's novel L'oeuvre (1886) was an important element in the genesis of Tujci (1901), the first Slovene artistic novel. The Slovene writer should model himself especially on Zola's descriptions of the artist's private life and he should introduce in his work also Zola's motives with the help of the procedures of demotivation (the deceased child) and transmotivation (the artist's suicide). Emile Zola may have influenced certain elements of Cankar's movable description.

However, Ivan Cankar completely renounced Zola's objectivism and determinism by creating a post-Romantic hero, whose interior is represented by Nature, who cannot adapt and suffers because of the incessant feeling of foreignness, which ultimately cause his suicide.


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