Kodni sistem
Slovenska književnost
Uredništvo <-> bralci

Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Marko Juvan

Uvod v medbesedilno branje (pesmi)
Introduction Into an Intertextual Reading (of Poems)

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Avtor opredeli pojem besedila kot sporočevalno dejanje, ki je hkrati nosilec določenega smisla in relevantnih informacij. Obenem opozarja, da so v vsakem besedilu tudi prvine, oblike in vzorci, ki so prav tako neločljivi del tega besedila, se nanj navezujejo, ga pojasnjujejo ali dopolnjujejo, in ki jih lahko označimo le z izrazom medbesedilne. Ob pregledovanju slovenske poezije pa ugotavlja, da je za razumevanje obravnavanih del potrebno medbesedilno branje, ko se enciklopedično vedenje uravnoteži z oživljanjem bralskega spomina in ga asociativno oživi in obogati.


 - English synopsis

The author describes the notion of the text as an act of communication, which is at the same time the bearer of a certain content and relevant information. He furthermore points out that in every text there are elements, forms and patterns that are, likewise, inseparable parts of the text, connected with it, explaining and comoplementing it. and which can only be described as intertexytual. The author in surveying Slovene poetry reaches the conclusion that intertextual reading is essential to understand the discussed works, for the encyclopaedic knowledge is thus balanced by activating the reader's memory that is being enriched and made alive by new associations.


 - English summary

By giving examples from Prešeren and certain avant-guarde poets (Taufer, Šalamun, Jesih), the article proves that an intertextual reading of poems (as well as other literary texts) is important, because (1) they cannot be properly understood without including in the interpretation the encyclopaedic knowledge of the structures and elements such as are transmissions, immitations or descriptions of the extant textual pre-texts or conventions, or (2) because of the fact that we can put them in an even greater number of interrelations by using our memory as readers, which poems themselves evoke and regulate, whereby we complete and enrich our reading experience and establish a more flexible meaning of the text. In the first instance we are dealing with intertextual presuppositions, the knowledge, therefore, that the poems presuppose and also demand from the reader; in the second we are witnessing intertextual implications, a possibility the text offers the reader, who can add new meanings to it by complementing it with the help of the knowledge of other texts and conventions.


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