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Slovenska književnost
Uredništvo <-> bralci

Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Tomaž Sajovic

Historistično oblikovanje uvodnih delov Jurčičevega pripovednega besedila Kloštrski žolnir in Dežmanovega poljudnoznanstvenega besedila Notranjske gore in Cirkniško jezero
A Historist Formation of the Introductory Parts of Jurčič's Narrative Text Kloštrski žolnir and Dežman's Popular-scientific Text Notranjske gore in Cirkniško jezero

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Avtor v svoji razpravi opozarja na dva pogleda --- po enem gre v obravnavanem obdobju za prepad med retorično in naravno poetiko, po drugem pa za soobstajanje različnih slogov. Raziskava odkrije, da struktura uvoda v povesti Kloštrski žolnir spominja na baročno pridižno predlogo, obenem pa v nadaljevanju pokaže tudi na razlike med obema načinoma upovedovanja, ki se kažejo predvsem na pomenski ravnini --- tudi v nasprotju med visoko obliko in nepoetičnim besediščem. Za primer historizma v neumetnostnem besedilu pa si izbere Dežmanovo poljudnoznanstveno besedilo Notranjske gore in Cirkniško jezero, za katerega je značilna retorična zaznamovanost posameznih stavkov z dvojnimi formulami, slogovno zaznamovan besedni red in umetelno oblikovanje odstavka kot sklenjene enote.

Iz tega izhaja tudi sklepna ugotovitev --- da se je namreč historični besedilni vzorec v obravnavanem obdobju že izgubljal ter se ohranil le še v posameznih drobnih formah.


 - English synopsis

The author in this study draws attention to two points of view: one of them sees in the discussed period a gap between the rhetorical and natural poetics, and the other a coexistence of various styles. He maintains that the structure of the introduction in the tale Kloštrski žolnir is highly reminiscent of a Baroque sermonic pre-text and further points to the differences between the two modes of expression, which come to the fore on the semantic level, and also to the contrast between high form and non-poetic text. The study gives Dežman's popular-scientific text Notranjske gore in Cirkniško jezero as an example of historism in a non-artistic text, which is characterized by the historist quality of individual sentences with their double formulas, stylistically marked word order and artificial formation of a paragraph as a close-knit unit.

The author draws the conclusion that the historist textual pattern was about to disappear and was only preserved in individual lesser forms, in the discussed period.


 - English summary

The purpose of the study is to explain the phenomenon of historism in more detail in Slovene artistic and non-artistic texts of the 19th century, on the basis of the rhetorical textual patterns in the introductory parts of Jurčič's text Kloštrski žolnir(1866) and Dežman's popular-scientific text Notranjske gore in Cirkniško jezero (1850) and their symbolic significance for both texts. The study also relies on the findings of art historiy, which in researching historist architecture came to the conclusion that in the period of historism (it began with classicism in the second half of the 18th century, acoording to the more recent studies it, however, certainly does not end with the close of the 19th century) the role of buildings was devided into the previously combined elements --- the purpose and significance. The significance was expressed in the form of the so-called historist style and existed independently, regardless of the practical purpose. The choice of an adequate 'style', which is modelled on the previous style period, was symbolically determined and artistically, culturally and socio-politically motivated. This double structure is possible to detect in Pogorelec's studies about the clash between the rhetorical, i. e. historical and natural poetics that was going on from Enlightenment to the Modern (and beyond), as well as in the findings of the Slovene literary historians (Paternu, Kmecl and others). The study is essentially a linguistic and stylistic one, with special emphasis on discourse analysis and rhetoric.


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