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Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Tomaž Sajovic

Kersnikova Kmetska smrt: med historizmom in nastavki secesije
Kersnik's Kmetska smrt: Between Historism and the Beginnings of Secession

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

V analizi obravnavanega Kersnikovega dela avtor opozarja na značilnosti njegovega upovedovanja, ki kaže znamenja historične zgradbene sheme, dosledno dvočlensko oblikovanje, pa tudi ornamentalno ponavljanje besed, delno ukinjanje časa, nadomeščanje glagolov z izglagolskimi samostalniki in glagolniki itd., torej tudi že nastavke secesije. Vse to pa potrjuje njegovo tezo, da je besedilo z jezikovnimi izraznimi sredstvi, s katerimi je pisatelj obogatil slovensko pripovedno tradicijo in jo popeljal na pot jezikovnoslogovnega eksperimenta, nastalo na stičišču različnih slogovnih smeri, ki so iz historizma že kazale v secesijo in s tem tudi v kasnejšo moderno.


 - English synopsis

In his analysis of the discussed Kersnik's work the author draws attention to the characteristics of his art, which shows the signs of a historical structural scheme, a consistent two-part structure, as well as an ornamental repetition of words, a partial disregard of time, a replacement of verbs with the nouns of verbal derivation and gerunds, etc, thus already the beginnings of Secession. All this confirms the thesis that a text whith its linguistic means of expression, with which the writer enriched the Slovene narrative tradition, started a stylistic-linguistic experiment at the crossroads of various stylistic orientations, which were breaking from Historism into Secession and thereby also in the later Modern.


 - English summary

Kersnik's narrative text Kmetska smrt (LZ 1890) is as to its style and ideas an extremely important work and in the stylistic development of Slovene narrative fiction represents a link between the late historism and Secession, whereby also with the Modern. Kmetska smrt is characterized by the typical and essentially historist double structure: Kersnik in the introduction or the commentary for the Baroque texts, especially sermons, used the characteristic rhetoric dispositional form of growing beyond the whole, that is the variant of pathetic amplification, which is already treated in the late historist manner. In it and at the end of the text there are many minute historist forms, with the neo-Renaissance double forms and dieresis, while the part presenting the events is governed by a more natural poetics. Those procedures that by using and transforming certain historist elements consciously, experimentally and implicitly programmatically signified already the birth of Secession and, by extension, the Modern, should by no means be disregarded: the introduction or the commentary was prolonged at the expense of the part presenting the events (which is not an isolated phenomenon --- in Mamon (1891) it is even longer), which signifies the first phase of the typical fusion of the commentary and plot level in the narrative. Kersnik modelled the introductory par by developing a double rhetoric formula (characteristic also of Cankar) of the formed meanings, which were expressively constantly changed with an artificial Secessionistic ornamental interplay of different, also multi-phrase, parts of the text a special, semanticized rhythmical effect is achieved, which helps to express the main message of the text (a fatalistic acceptance of the invariability of life), habituality is expressed also with a brand new procedure --- the effacement of verbal forms and their replacement with the nouns of verbal derivation, gerunds and non-verbal one-part phrase structures, which means a radical announcement of the strengthening of nominal word phrases or structures, which in the Modern helped to create an impression of abstractness. Kersnik's example of a creative revealing of meanings in phraseologic structure, which anticipate Cankar's dismantlement or rather a renovation of phraseologems, has to be counted among the stylistic procedures of the research of linguistic possibilities.


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