Miran Štuhec
Fokalizacijski kod Zidarjevih romanesknih struktur
The Focalizing Code of Zidar's Romanesque Structures
Slovenski sinopsis
English synopsis
English summary

Slovenski sinopsis
Preučevanje Zidarjevih romanov odpira številna zanimiva vprašanja -- eno izmed njih je zagotovo tudi fokalizacijski kod njegovih junakov oz. razmerje med pripovedovalcem, fokalizatorjem in dogajanjem.
English synopsis
The study of Zidar's novels opens up a number of interesting questions: one of them is undoubtedly also the focalizing code of his heroes viz. the relationship between the narrator, focalizer and plot.
English summary
A focalizer in the narration represents an instance, which communicates the plot and determines the extent of information to the narrator and reader. Zidar's romanesque texts have a specific code of focalization, which controls the reader's reception of the plot: (a) in it are brought together and intertwined those narrative aspects (focalizers) that are incompatible on the theoretical level --- this fact deconstructs the narrative logic; (b) two focalizers usually communicate the plot (a focalizing pair), which also on the level of narration creates a doubt that is characteristic of Zidar's literary personae.
Summary written by M. Juvan