Kodni sistem
Slovenska književnost
Uredništvo <-> bralci

Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Majda Kaučič-Baša

Kdaj govorijo Slovenci slovensko
When do Slovenes Speak Slovene

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Predmet razprave je izbira jezika (slovenščine/italijanščine) pri javni komunikaciji med pripadniki slovenske manjšine v Trstu. Jezikovno in zunajjezikovno gradivo, zbrano v terenski raziskavi z antropološkimi metodami, omogoča opis govornovedenjskih vzorcev in razlago vzrokov za kodno izbiro.


 - English synopsis

The subject of the study is code choice (slovene/italian) in transactional communication among members of the slovene minority in Triest. In the field research microethnographic methods of linguistic data collection are employed. Recorded face-to-face interactions make possible to describe structure of verbal behaviour as well as causes for the code choice patterns.


 - English summary

The field research on code choice among the bilingual Slovenes in the Triest suburb Sveti Ivan has demonstrated that the choice of the minority language (Lm), i.e. Slovene in transactional communication depends on
1. the addressor's communicative competence in Lm,
2. the addressor's loyalty to Lm,
3. the information about the addressee's linguistic competence and loyalty,
4. the addressee's competence in Lm and his loyalty to Lm.
In a linguistically mixed urban environment the information on the possibilities of Lm usage in public loci is conveyed by public written texts (inscriptions, commercial panels etc.) in Lm. Since in Sveti Ivan there are none, not even the existing possibilities to speek Slovene can be exploited. In public loci which are however known to be slovene the choice of Lm is selectionally restricted: it depends on whether the addressor has already known the addressee, e.g. from the minority institutions (the significance of network relations). The described code choice pattern is explained by the fact that the minority members perceive their language as exclusively private code.


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