Kodni sistem
Slovenska književnost
Uredništvo <-> bralci

Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Marko Stabej

Oklepaj v slovenskem pesniškem jeziku -- slovenski pesniški jezik v oklepaju
Brackets in the Slovene Poetic Language

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Študija o pomenu oklepaja v slovenskem pesniškem jeziku od prvih začetkov do današnjih dni je pravzaprav pregled njegovega razvoja od začetne negotovosti do zdajšnje bogate raznolikosti oblikovnih postopkov in stilnih sredstev, ko je oklepaj postal pogosto ločilo in s tem tudi poseben stilem slovenskega pesniškega jezika.


 - English synopsis

The study about the significance of brackets in the Slovene poetic language from the very beginnings until the present day is really a survey of its development from the initial uncertainty to the present rich variety of formal procedures and stylistic means, when brackets became a common punctuation mark and thus also a special styleme of the Slovene poetic language.


 - English summary

The article shows how the textual linguistics of small linguistic phenomena can shed light on the bow of the Slovene poetic language.

Brackets are a less commonly used mark of punctuation, their role in literary language was adequately and amply described only in the recent Slovenski pravopis (1990). The article proposes two labels for the role of brackets in verse texts: a textual and a non-textual role. In the first role the statement in brackets is essential for the coherence of a text, while in the other this is not the case. The article analyzes in more detail the textual role of brackets.

In the Slovene poetic language brackets had been until the twentieth century a comparatively rarely used mark of punctuation. In the first analyzed example from the verse almanac Pisanice (1779) the statement in brackets has a special role in the development of the textual theme, while it at the same time enables the corresponding terseness of the statement. These two textual roles of brackets have then been developed and used with regard to the individual style and period.

Two literary periods did not use brackets; the period after the beginning of the Slovene poetic language and before the first peak of Slovene poetry with Prešeren's collection Poezije (1847), and the emerging period of the Modern. It seems that the first period avoided brackets for their textual laxness or lack of sophistication, while the other because of their explanatory role or too great a rationalizing effect.

In the twentieth century textual brackets become a very frequent punctuation mark and thus a special styleme of the Slovene poetic language. Their role is extended to a variety of uses, from the tiny figures to the global textual structuring.


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